Chapter 8: Soggy Foam and Sexy Speeds

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This chapter's dedication goes to pluvshorses because of their awesome support on Billonaire's Daughter ;)

I wasn’t woken up by my alarm, although I couldn’t tell I have a rather dull alarm, just a constant beeping sound. I pulled my sleepy arm out from underneath the toasty blankets and dragged my hand across my face to try and attempt to rub my eyes awake. The “alarm” continued to sound as it got louder and louder, I opened my eyes and gave a groggy moan. Who on earth was irritating me this time of day!
’Maxine get up!’ I heard a gravely voice command on the other side of my door. It seemed the “alarm” had started banging on my door with his huge fist. The sheer power of the hits caused my bed to shake against the wall. I crawled from my bed and collapsed on the floor in a tired heap.
’Maxine Grimm get up right now or I’ll tip a bucket of cold water on your head!’ Uncle Ben boomed in the hallway.
’Mmph’ I mumbled against the cold floor. Pushing my tired limbs from under me and getting to the door I had to stumble for the door knob because my vision was extremely blurry.


Finally I found the stupid door knob and turned it. It took me a while for my eyes to adjust before I saw that Ben, Reed, Sue and Johnny were all waiting outside my door. My mouth broke out into an lazy, embarrassed grin. I leant against the doorframe and assumed a chilled out manner.
’Guessing I slept in then’ I muttered, with dreary eyes.
’Slept in?’ Ben grumbled, ‘it’s eleven ‘o’ clock’
’Eleven ‘o’ clock?’ I checked my wrist for my invisible watch, ‘that’s like the middle of the night’
I saw Reed give a huge sigh, yeah okay so I wasn’t spectacular with punctuation, but hey I was technically off duty.
’Be downstairs in ten minutes Max, we need to start working on this cure’ Reed ordered me, he was followed by a thin lipped Sue and an agitated Ben. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to go get changed.
’Nice pyjamas by the way’ Johnny grinned my way as he showed no signs of leaving. I looked down at my Hello Kitty shorts and Led Zepplin band shirt I got last year. Yeah okay and my fashion style wasn’t so spectacular either.

I turned around and left the dor open for Johnny to come waltzing in and sit on my bed.
’Oh yeah sure, please make yourself at home’ I said deadpan as I scavenged around my bedroom slash makeshift office for some items of clothing for work.
’You seriously need to work on your people skills Maxine Grimm’ he pointed out as he laid right back on my bed and leaned his weight on his elbows. I found a matching underwear pair of sky blue, worn out jeans, a plain shirt and combat boots as we would be working in a lab sort of environment.
’And you seriously need to work on the meaning of the phrase “respect ones privacy” Johnny Storm’ I snapped back and went into the bathroom to get changed.

There was silence in the bedroom and I thought Johnny had finally buzzed off, when I heard a curious question come from his mouth.
’Why didn’t you get burnt yesterday when I touched you?’ he said almost sincerely.
’Maybe because you’re not hot enough for me’ I bit my lip and walked out into the bedroom to find Johnny leaning against the doorframe waiting for me.
’Very funny’ he said, ‘but I’m serious, do you think that somehow you’re immune to fire?’
’Ooh Johnny’s being serious, that’s a first’ I said and tied my ridiculously long hair into a ponytail, ‘I don’t know, maybe’
’Why would you be immune to fire, did something else happen on the space station?’ he asked he directly, eying me off like a piece of meat.

I thought back to when I first woke up from being knocked out by the cosmic storm. How had I fallen? How had I woken up?...on Johnny. My eyes widened and I opened my mouth as though to say something. Had I somehow become immune to the fire he created by just falling on him during the storm?!
’No nothing else happened’ I gave him a fake smile.
’Did I just see you smile?’ Johnny smirked and followed me as we walked along the platform to the stairs.
’No of course not’ I grinned along with him.
’Gosh, Max what’s your rush?’ he reached out and snatched my forearm again. I turned around to shout at him to let me go when my eyes fell on the ball of flame currently occupying his hand…and my forearm. The ember flames flicked their way along Johnny’s hand and onto my skin.

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