Chapter 4

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Louis' POV:
So i still dont know what's going on. Edward is standing there like i'm completely out of my mind. "Well, Louis?" He tried to look in my eyes. But i look away. What is going on? "Louis, what's happening with you?" He asked. I shoke my head. "I wish i could tell you but i don't know it either". He looked worried. This is so strange. "Your class is waiting for you" I'm standing up. Right. My class. Art. I'm an art teacher.
The whole day long everything's going wrong. After my last hour i almost run to my car to go home. Glad i'm almost home. What a long day. The radio is playing Black Widow. I'm sure Casey would like this song. Casey! I have to email her back! Or call her. How stupid. I've red the email but didn't reply. So much stuff is going on right now. It's almost summer vacation. Well, 3 months to go.
For a second i thought it was happening again. I wanted to open my front door, but i forgot it was locked. I'm standing in the hall way. Heavy breathing. Okay Louis, you have to sit and relax. I throw my stuff on the floor. I don't feel like picking it up. I'm walking to the living room. I'm trying to control my breathing. After a few minutes on the couch, i'm feeling better.
Yazmin. Oh god, was it Yazmin? Suddenly her name came into my head. No, this can't be Yazmin. I'm just over worked or something. But the door was locked. This is crazy. But i'm not crazy, right? But... Control your breathing Louis. I always have this thing with breathing when i'm freaking out. Ugh. I have to let it go. I was probably nothing. Maybe i should go to bed earlier or something.
Yazmin's POV:
I think Louis was freaking out there, HAHA! Poor Louis T, you were locked in the TR. I'm smiling inside. I never smile on the outside. People don't get to see me smiling, ever. I think it's almost midnight. Not tired at all. I'm never tired. It's dark outside. I love the dark. I live in the dark. The darkness is my bestfriend.
It's time. I have to do it tonight. If i get in contact with Louis, well, i don't know what he's up to. Maybe he'll follow me one day and he discovers all this. Almost a hour ago i got here. The old house where i am almost every night.
Hmm how should i do it? Just burn the papers with the schedules? I've been making these plans for about two years now, but i've never found the perfect person. And then there is Louis T. Perfect. But the schedules are in my head now so i don't need them anymore.
I was thinking about burning the whole house. But that wouldn't be fair to the spirits. First i'll go destroy this papers, and then talk to the spirits again.
Louis' POV:
I'm laying in bed. But i can't sleep. I have to figure it out. I think it was Yazmin. It has te be Yazmin. I didn't know this would be so complicated. Before this all, i wasn't sure if i believed in those things. But now... I have to stay calm and just hold on to my plan. But why do i feel so connected with her suddenly? Maybe i have this all my life, but now that i'm paying attention to it, i notice the connextion. It's weird that i just have decided to talk with her, and these things happen.
Should i talk to Yazmin tomorrow? She's giving me the creapiest feeling in the world but i have to do this. I don't know why but i just have to. I think this all can be interesting. Just this weird feeling is going on in my body. Can someone please tell me what's going on? What if Yazmin does have those paranormal gifts.. I have to know more about it. Well i have to catch some sleep now.

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