Chapter 2

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Sorry for not posting so long guys! I've been busy with some stuff, and my vacation is so boring that some days i even didn't come out of bed. Well, I'm trying to write more often. I have an amazing idea for another book, but i'm already working on 2 books, don't you think a third book would be too much? I think so. I'm going to make this chapter long and exited, do you like long chapters? Enjoy! ;3 - Alijaa 

Louis' POV: 

I'm reading the newspaper. A fresh cup coffee and a newspaper in the morning, nothing else what i need to start a good day! I already had my breakfast. On the third page, there's an article about 2 cars who had an accident yesterday afternoon in Toronto. Nearby Edward High School.

Well, that's the school i work on, so that would be the accident with the firefighters and stuff. The red car is completely destroyed by a fire. There's a picture too. That car is totally burned! Wait, what is that? At the back round? I can barely see it but it looks like a figure. It's hard to see without my glasses. Well, it's just something. Whatever.

It's almost 7 o'clock. About a half an hour i have to go. I better shower and change my clothes from pyjamas to normal clothes thought. I drink my coffee and then prepare for another day at school. The shower was nice and warm.

I'm putting on my red pants and a white shirt with blue stripes. My favourite outfit. Then brush my hair and put on my deodorant. I brush my teeth before I put my glasses on. I'm walking downstairs, pack my stuff together and leave the house. Brr, it's cold today. And the sun is nowhere to be found. 

Yazmin's POV:

These lockers are looking so boring. Maybe i can make them prettier? What a wonderful idea Yaz! I put my bag on the ground and take one of my graffiti spray cans. I always have one or two in my bag. When i'm done, i take a few steps backwards. This looks good. "Always be prepared Louis T.!". Well, it's true. The name Louis just came into my head. And so did the T.

My mind says that somebody on this school is named Louis T. Whatever. I just want to make somebody scared. Don't know why. These lockers are beautiful! Well done Yaz. I pack my back. I'm walking to the parking area. There's mister Tomlinson. He's parking his car. Ew, what an awful blue car! And then he's coming out of his car and begins to stretch. What is he doing? HAHA. I'm standing there. Just to look at him. He's coming in my direction. 

Louis' POV:

I'm coming out if my car. My back hurts a little from the ride. I'm stretching. Ahh, that's better. I lock my car and walk to the door. I see a girl. What is she doing here? Teachers are always coming early. But for the children, this is really early. She's wearing black clothes and black make up, and she has black hair.

Well, that can't be a happy person. I think. I have to pass her. She's looking at me. What a strange girl. When i'm passing her, my breath stopped for a moment. Like she just took my breath away. I look behind me. She turned around and is still looking at me. I'm walking faster. Brr, that girl just gave me the creepiest feeling ever. I open the door to go into the building.

I'm walking to the first floor. Next to the teacher's room, there is a small room where teacher's can hang their jackets. I open the door. I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry Lou!". Said miss Eleanor. "Sorry!". I said back. We smiled to each other and then continued what we were doing.

Everyone calls her miss Eleanor, because she likes that better. I have to admit that miss Eleanor is pretty handsome. She's a PE teacher. Even in her sport clothes she's hot. Alright Louis. Enough now. The first lesson starts in 30 minutes. I'm a little early today. 

I'm sitting at my desk. All the children are busy with their project. "Cindy, can you work a little more instead of talking?". Cindy is always talking. I'm checking my email. As usual. Nothing important. I'm standing up and walking around. Some of these kids are very good. "Well done Jessica!". "Thanks!". She said back.

Mister Edward is walking into the classroom. He's the principal. But i guess you would know that, because his name is Edward. "Goodmorning Ed!". I said. "Morning! Louis, can i talk to you for a minute?". I nodded. "Kids, i'll be right back!". We're walking out of the classroom. "Did you see the graffiti on the lockers downstairs?". He asked. Graffiti? Why is he coming to me for graffiti?

"No?". He's telling me the whole story. "We haven't found out who did it yet, but we're working on that". This is weird. I mean, graffiti happens a lot here. I think it's art. But not if it's done without permission. I think there are a lot of boys on this school with the same name as me. But, Louis T? That's almost obvious. Does this means i have to be prepared or something? What a bullshit. "If you saw anything strange or something, you can come to me. Alright?". I nodded. "Have a nice day!".

I'm walking back into the classroom. One more hour to go after this and then i have an appointment with Roxeanne. The whole lesson long i couldn't get that whole graffiti thing out of my mind. I know a lot of kids on this school have the same name, but this is just stuck in my head. I feel so personal about it. 

Yazmin's POV:

The bell rings. Stupid bell. I put my stuff in my backpack and walk out of the classroom. Ew. People go away! I hate you. There are too much people here. A group of girls is walking next to me. Bitches, you're standing in my personal space!

I move my hand. The plant on my left side is moving. They're busy with talking and don't see anything. Suddenly the plant is in their way, and they all fall over the plant. HAHA. Everybody is looking at them. "How did that plant get there?". Yelled the red headed girl. "I dont know!". said the other one.

I'm walking away as fast as i can. I have to get out of this crowd. I'm walking downstairs. I see mister Tomlinson walking upstairs. We're passing each other. Like earlier this morning. I look into his eyes. And he's looking back.

I feel a strong connection. Yaz, this is the man! THIS IS THE RIGHT PERSON! I made him trip over his own feet. But he's not falling because he's holding the banister. Ahg, why didn't you fall Louis T? I would love to see that! Yaz! Louis T. THIS IS THE MAN. I knew it. Maybe he is the person i've been looking for. 

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