Chapter 46- Life and Death

Start from the beginning

And we would grab it with both hands.

I jumped on his back, latching on and biting deep. He shook me off, but not before I ripped a chunk out of his back. I heard his wolf whine in pain slightly.

I would give him no mercy.

He lunged at me, aiming for my neck, but I jumped out the way, his teeth grazing my side, not enough to draw blood. I could afford to be lazy. That was my warning.

If I let him get that close to by underside again, he would win.

I had to be careful. He wouldn't fight fair. I had to keep my eyes peeled for his dirty tricks.

His goons surrounding us were being fought off, one by one, by my pack, so I knew I didn't have to worry about them joining in, this was our fight.

He lunged again, this time catching my back leg in his teeth as I jumped out the way. His grip was lose and I shook it out his grip before sidestepping his next attack.

I was the smaller wolf, but I was more agile.

I danced circles around him, trying to tire him out.

His lunged started to get sloppy, giving me more opportunities to strike myself.

I lept on his back. Grabbing his skin in my teeth and twisting my head sharply, ripping his flesh and causing his blood to start to splurt out the multiple bite wounds on his back.

His death wouldn't be pretty.

His death wouldn't be quick.

His death wouldn't be merciful.

He will pay for the pain he caused my mate, and he will pay in the worst way possible, the most painful way possible.

Death would be slow coming, it was too good a fate for him, but I couldn't risk him coming after Ari again. I would let him stay on this earth.

If possible I would keep him alive, torture him like he tortured her. Death is too easy. He wouldn't have to live with his life choices, death was the easy way out.

I will make sure he's begging for death by the time it comes. I will only allow him a minuscule amount of time longer on this earth, but I will make it an experience he will never forget, not even in death.

Hell on earth.

He lept at me, pushing me on my back and trapping me with his huge frame, keeping me squished into the ground. He slapped me across the face with his paw, his claws biting into my skin.

It hurt, but what he did to my mate hurt more.

I shoved him off me, running my claws along his side before he crashed into the wall next to me.

I jumped to my feet, not letting him gain advantage of me while I was on the floor.

I was panting. But he was worse.

He leaped at me again, but it was sloppy, his legs trailed behind and his leap wasn't as high as when we started. He was tired, and had lost a lot of blood.

So had I.

I felt my pack, my family, surrounding me, I felt my father lend me some of his power, let me draw on the pack bond for the strength to continue.

I felt their energy and encouragement flowing through me.

I flipped Elias on his back, his neck in my teeth. His life slipped away from him. His soul left his body. His death was too good for him, but at least now he was gone.

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