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You sit on the cold leather seat of the car, waiting for him to say something, anything. This made you extremely nervous- anxiety to the roof. Fiddling with your fingers your head turns to the side, it had began to rain. Although a sigh of relief escapes you since you had just left what you had deemed your worst situation yet, this could end up being worse since he is your boss. Like what if he fires you?! How the hell would you survive, it's not like anybody else would want your lazy self. Who not to mention is always late.

"What were you doing at Enomoto Ryoji's house (l/n)?" Your boss finally speaks, he voice was calm but his eyes told a slightly different story. He was worried, not wanting that scum of a mans hands on you or even near you.

"My old school mate is his sister. Her names Aine, I didn't even know she had a brother.." You huff continuing. "I don't get how he'd even know me, or how we work at the same place." You grab fists of you (h/c) hair, his sickly sadistic sounding voice just couldn't seem to leave your head.

His eyebrow raises. "So, you don't even know the man?" Kirisawa left out a chuckle, it was clam and dry. "What is he your stalker?" He jokes, knowing fully well that Ryoji was exactly that. And maybe himself could be put into that category also.

"He must be.." You cringe but try to keep up the atmosphere by also letting out a smol laugh.

"Well we can't have that can we? A co-worker stalking a lone lady, that will not be tolerated. I promise you that I will find some way to help you out." Eyes still on the road, Kirisawa places his right hand from the steering wheel onto your thigh giving it a pat. Or what you would call an uncomfortable rub, or sexual harassment.

"Thank you." The light turn red and the car stops momentarily, Kirisawa-san's eyes meet yours and a smile graces his lips.

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