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"So, how do you like my home?" Aine smiles a very lovely smile as she leans forward on the table.

"It's beautiful! Compared to my small crappy apartment, I feel like a god here!" You smile back, taking a sip from your spoon full of homemade chicken noodle soup.

"I'm glad you like it!" She giggles watching you eat, her grey orbs following your every movement.

"But." You start again looking around at the huge table you sat at.

"No maids? Or sexy butlers?" You noticed her eyes widen slightly before she speaks up once more.

"No, my brother doesn't like such things. He does all the cleaning even."

"Brother? I didn't even know you had one." You shove some garlic bread into your mouth, your curiosity peaked.

"Oh? You didn't? Well, he is four years older than us.." Aine frowns, maybe she doesn't like her brother that much?

"I see, I mean we never talked in elementary school so it makes sense that I don't know if him." Finishing up your food you await her reply, it takes her a few minutes.

"He, tells me about you. So how do you not know of him...?" You choke, he what's?

"Huh, are you sure?!" You gulp remembering your dream. The man in your dream had white hair.. 'oh boy, please don't have white hair like your sister.'

"What does he look like? Hair wise and eye colour?" Aine meets your desperate gaze with a head tilt.

"He looks just like me, except his eyes are pink." You almost fall off your chair managing to somehow stay on.

"He also doesn't like people very much, so honestly I was curious to see you again. It's the main reason I invited you here."

"That's so weird, I don't even know him.."

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