Intro(Slow) - Quinn XCII

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Act I

Now to truly begin our story...

There are often times in life where we feel we are left with two choices, neither is totally right or totally left. Just a simple crossroad in life. We find at these moments that people expose themselves the most, in the simple actions.

There are often times in life that people tend to overlook, the moments that seem so small, so insignificant. The choices you make that couldn't possibly be important. What you chose to eat for breakfast, what times you check your phone, or possibly what street you decide to walk down. Truly the greatest impacts in life are, in the simple actions.

There are often times in life when we feel simply overwhelmed by what life has stacked upon us. Whether it be with responsibilities, lost, or simply suffering. Times when we feel isolated and alone; when we feel as though the world has brought this horrible fate down on us and that none of it was in our power. Ironically the overwhelming is caused by how we handle ourselves, in the simple actions.

"What would you say if I told you that all of the tiny details that you've chosen throughout your whole life we're the ones that brought you here? It didn't matter what degree you got or where you decided to live. No, you see what matters were the details, the decision to have a bagel instead of cereal, the choice of wearing blue instead of green, the fact that your hair is down instead of up. That's what brought you to this moment. Right here, right now." 

"Well, I would say that's cool and all but the world's about to end so let's fix that and then we can play your fun philosophical game."

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