"H-how do you know this?" Felix questioned, sounding quite offended. Changbin is never home so why does he know about the matter but he - himself - doesn't?

"My dad asked me to help arrange the papers of the contract - of the house - since I partly study economics." The elder boy spoke, reminding Felix of the fact that he studied economics, or at least followed the course.

Felix was left dumbfounded. "Oh... right," Is all he could say. They both averted their eyes to the beautiful clear sky, and only a few minutes later, Felix had realised something... He had just spilt all of his feelings towards the boy sitting next to him, mostly because he thought it was a lost cause anyway... but if their parents are broken up, that means Changbin and him aren't stepbrothers anymore.

Oh, no.


Seungmin and Hyunjin were seated on the latter's bed in his room, both having a controller in hands and staring at the screen in front of them.

With his eyes still focused on the screen, Hyunjin began to speak. "Do you think Felix knows about us? He's been acting weird lately,"

"No idea, I haven't told him. He is my best friend, though... I feel like I'll just blurt it out someday," Seungmin muttered, turning his gaze away from the screen and losing in the process.

"He would totally hate us if he found out," Hyunjin said as he turned his head to look at Seungmin who was sitting right next to him.

Seungmin snorted as he let out a chuckle. "Don't be so dramatic," He smiled softly. "We're just gaming," He muttered as he held up his PS4 controller.

They were, in fact, playing video games without Felix. The latter is basically addicted to them and sometimes can't handle his own rage that develops when losing a game.

A smile crossed Hyunjin's face as a chuckle was heard. He grabbed the controller Seungmin was holding and threw it at the other end of his bed. He threw himself onto Seungmin, poking the boy all over. Knowing that he's very ticklish, he also began to tickle him.

He stopped torturing Seungmin - by tickling him - and both of them burst into laughter as they looked into each other's eyes. "That's not what I meant," Hyunjin chuckled, the laughter toning down bit by bit. "you know it wasn't,"

Seungmin was down, lying on his back as he faced Hyunjin, who was still sitting up slightly. The latter leaned forward - or down - as he covered Seungmin's lips with his own, kissing him gently. The latter responded immediately, obviously kissing him back.

As Hyunjin pulled away, parting their lips from one another, he looked at his boyfriend lovingly. "He's gonna kill both of us," Seungmin exhaled, still panting slightly because of the tickling he had received just a few minutes ago. "Maybe just me," He mumbled, loud enough for Hyunjin to hear. "I mean... He is my best friend, I should've told him about us a long time ago,"

Hyunjin rubbed his face and nestled his hands into his hair as he groaned, softly. "And I should've told Jisung, he tells me everything but I don't tell him anything. It makes me feel like I'm the worst friend ever,"

"You're not," Seungmin scowled, not wanting Hyunjin to think negatively about himself. "Plus, they're not dumb, I don't even think we need to tell them,"

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