Chapter One: A standard mission

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KC-847 grasped a handle to steady himself when the slick, chrome-coated van rocked as it passed through the protective electrostatic field surrounding the Hub. It was the first sign that they had left the bustling capital behind. He had only been permitted outside the Hub on three occasions, but this was his first mission as Team Captain. The woman he was ordered to retrieve had seen fit to flee the city, so he had no choice but to follow.

All seven people in the van, including KC-847, snapped to attention as the communication panel in the back corner of the vehicle let out a piercing ring. The crisp, functional interior of the van was bathed in soft blue light as KC-847 reached over, pressing his palm against the smooth glass to answer the call.

The face of a middle-aged woman filled the screen. Her lips curved into a smile as she surveyed the assembled group, her blonde ponytail bobbing as she nodded in approval. "KC-847, the GPS tracking tells me you're just about to cross over into Ground Zero territory, is that correct?"

KC-847 squared his shoulders and nodded. "Yes, Commander Hemwell. Crossing over in thirty seconds. All officers have their anti-radiation devices, body armour, and weapons."

"Excellent. Given the nature of your mission, we are setting your search and rescue time for nineteen-hundred hours. Please remember to report in if you require an extension. I don't want to waste resources sending the drones to check on you. Any final questions?"

"No, Ma'am." KC had spent countless hours preparing for this moment, for his first command mission. He knew everything he needed to about what the team were walking into. "We are ready. VC-825 and I will report once we have completed the primary objective."

"Very well." She nodded at him with a spark of amusement in her eyes before she looked past his shoulder. Her critical gaze fell on the six Citizens in the transport, all dressed in mottled grey Government fatigues with protective flak vests over the top and dull silver command visors lowered over their eyes. "Officers, today you are trailblazers. I know that the Government's decision to place Derivates in charge of retrieval operations has been a point of contention, but KC-847 is highly qualified for the role. I expect you to follow his orders as you would those of any Citizen Officer. We are counting on you to prove that this initiative is successful. Is that understood?"

KC-847 heard a general mutter of agreement behind him, peppered with two 'Yes Ma'am's and one deep, amused snort. The team was composed of Citizen Officers: ordinary, everyday humans. As a Derivate, a human with psionic abilities, he was a lesser being, nothing more than a tool for the Government to use to keep law and order. This mission was an exception; his powerful telekinesis was exactly what the team needed to overpower the runaway Derivate, whether the Citizens wanted to admit it or not.

"Excellent. See you for a full debrief at oh-nine-hundred tomorrow morning. Commander Hemwell signing off."

The rustle of combat fatigues filled the space as everyone in the truck saluted their Commanding Officer. When the screen faded, KC-847 turned to those gathered and cleared his throat. The faces looking back at him were filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

The transport hit another pocket of turbulence as they switched from the smooth Hub roads to the cracked asphalt of Ground Zero. KC-847 held his hand up, sending a wave of telekinetic energy out to hold himself steady. Once he had his footing, he ran a hand through his short cropped, mousy-brown hair and straightened up.

"Alpha team, we are going live in T-minus fifteen minutes. I am going to do a roll-call now so we can all focus as we transition from the Hub to Ground Zero." KC-847 let go of the handle by the back door to flick the switch on his visor. The names and personnel photos of the team members appeared on the HUD. He read their names aloud as he checked them off. He knew they were all present, but it was a necessary formality. It wasn't until he reached the second-to-last name that the standard call and response of 'Sir!' was replaced by something else:

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