Come On! You Look Cute

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Driving down the lonely road of Texas, Dean glanced over at Sam who's nose is still stuck in their father's book, "what are you looking at Sammy? Must be interesting cause you've been reading the same page over again" Dean turned down his music so he could hear what his younger brother has to say.

"It's about this supernatural creature that turns people into a Neko, it's nothing we ever hunted before" Sam tossed their father's book back into his book bag, "I think we should check this out" Sam suggested, but seeing his older brother's eyes narrow at the idea Sam lifted an eyebrow.


Pulling over to the side of the road Dean slowly turned his car off, resting his hand on top of the steering wheel, looking over at his brother with confusion "Neko? What the hell is that?" Dean laughed at thought of what a Neko could possibly look like.

"So, got a picture of this so-called Neko?"

Pulling a piece of paper out of his coat pocket, Sam slowly handed it over "a Neko is a size of a's a human with mouse ears and tail" Sam replied, watching his brother slowly opening up the folded piece of paper. Watching his brother glancing over the sheet of paper, Sam didn't see a man behind the tree using a wooding pipe to shoot something at him.


"What?" Dean glanced over

"Slowly placing his hand on his neck Sam slowly pulled the tiny dart out of his neck, "I think I got stung" Sam replied, tossing the tiny dart out of the window

"Well when we get back home put some nice on it, here put this away" Dean tosses the paper to Sam while using his free hand to start the car back up

Line Break

Hearing the loud roaring from the impala Sam jolts awake "why is that so loud" Sam rubs his eyes while grumbling at the loud noise "and it's about time he's back, doesn't take that long to go and get food" Sam slowly pulling his phone out of his pocket.

Glancing at the black screen Sam saw ears coming out the side of his head and long thing whiskers coming out of his cheeks, "no no...this can't be happening" Sam leaps to his feet trying to figure out how this could of happen to him while benign so  carful.

Hearing the motel door opening opening made Sam's poor heart race "Dean! We have a problem" Sam shouted out hoping his brother could hear him. But seeing his older brother looking at him, trying hold himself back from laughing, Sam quickly crossed his arms over his chest "it's not funny Dean"

"It is...and Come On! You Look Cute" Dean laughs

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