"Let me see."

He stepped closer and raised his hands to replace Armin's. It was indeed a piece of chewing gum, stuck somewhere at the high of the boy's jaw. His hair grew a lot since we met, he noticed, and it grew some centimeters since the last time he saw Armin, too.

"You should cut it."

"I don't want to hear that" the boy sighed and turned to the mirror. He seemed disappointed, not that sad but more like tired, as if his enthusiasm disappeared.

"Want me to cut it?" The older offered.

"You? Cutting my hair? No way." Armin looked alarmed, but even if Jean felt slightly insulated with the lack of trust the boy had in him, he smiled wider.

"I've done it before. I cut my own too. I can't do anything else with the hair but I'm kinda good at cutting it."

"You want to cut my hair" Armin stated, to which Jean simply hummed, and the boy chuckled. "You're my date not my barber."

"Your barber date" Jean deadpanned.

"That's not-" Armin was laughing, and Jean bit his lip. How he loved making the blonde laugh like that.

"I'm serious."

"Oh, I can see that." He wiped a stray tear and turned to Jean once again. This first meeting couldn't have gone any better, apparently, the nerves and tension gone and both of them were smiling like it was their natural condition to be happy around the other; even with the situation that was going on Armin felt as if it was meaningless all of a sudden. Jean wanted to cut his hair. Weird, but that date was never normal, to begin with. "Fine."

"Yass~" Jean clapped his hands together with enthusiasm, as if he won some prize, and Armin laughed again.

"Don't get that excited. It's creepy."

"Scissors, comb and a towel." He commanded staring down at the boy. He seemed quite determined, and Armin's cheeks were starting to burn for no specific reason.

"Something else, sir?" Armin raised an eyebrow, mockingly, and Jean rolled his eyes. His hands then raised till they rested at both sides of Armin's head, thumbs caressing at his cheeks, and Armin's knees nearly gave up.


"Much better. See? Easy."

"Damn how I missed your guts, little one." Jean chuckled and let go of Armin, stepping back and away from the entrance so the boy could go. He was flustered and didn't do a good job covering it, which Jean found adorable. He really, truly, missed this. All of it.

"Give me your jacket."

And he did, Armin disappearing right after giggling at nothing specific, and came back with a chair and scissors, and let Jean do the rest.

It was quite simple, Jean asking him about the length he could cut, doing some comments about what he thought it was better so there won't be a big difference. Also, Armin clearly stated that he would use those scissors against Jean if he did some weird, coconut hairstyle to him. Turns out Jean did know what he was doing, Armin was surprised by how nimbly the boy was using the scissors and had quite a good eye to cut it just right. Armin calmed down and let the other do whatever he had to freely, eyes fixed in the other's face through the mirror, a deep frown forming out of concentration.

"Turn around." Jean requested and Armin complied.

"Don't cut it too short, I need to tie it up."

"Got it."

Jean laughed at how Armin would grimace at the hair falling on his face, and the other would whine and tell him to speed up.

"Almost done."

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