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"Ok, but why?"

"Because I feel like it. I can help you with everything."

"Deal. I don't know what got into you, little one, but I'll see you in half an hour to go shopping"

Two days earlier Jean told the younger he was planning on throwing another party in his apartment. More than telling, he was kind of asking for Armin's permission, though. Jean invited him but Armin decided not to go, using as an excuse that he had plans with his friends. The truth is Armin was afraid of meeting Jean's friends and messing up, again. But he told Eren about it which was a terrible idea since his best friend decided it was time for Armin to have fun.

"Once a year, Armin. You don't even have to leave home, just climb some stairs and knock on a door." Eren said. They were hanging at Eren's house, watching a movie none of them was paying attention to. "He is stupid but I heard he really knows how to party. Maybe he can teach you to have fun. Besides, we'll go too."

"You just want to go to a party, don't you?"

"I want my little brother to start enjoying life because I'm a good friend." Armin gave him a questioning look, and Eren sighed putting the bowl of chips on the table. "Fine. I need someone to make Levi jealous. And alcohol. But the priority here is you getting out of you shel.l"

"Why making him jealous?"

"Because he keeps thinking I'm like a puppy that's there just for him. I just want him to know that I have many options beside him, maybe he'll wake the fuck up."

"I don't know him but... Maybe that's not the best way, Eren." Armin always had to deal with things like this. Eren and his ways of catching someone's attention. But Levi being quite older and more mature, wouldn't be as easy as every 20 year old guy.

"Believe me. It will work." Eren took a chip and winked at the younger. "Now, take that phone and tell him you'll go."

"I'm seriously not in the mood." Armin couldn't tell what was so scary about that party but he was really nervous. However, Eren didn't take a 'no' as a valid answer, grabbed his friend's phone and before Armin could do anything about it Eren had pressed 'call' on Jean's number.

And that's how Armin ended up in front of a market waiting for Jean to show up. He hit Eren with a pillow in order to calm down and it worked, so now he was only worried about Jean trying to buy alcohol with him. He was still 19 and everybody told him he looked even younger, so he never dared to try buying any alcohol because it would never work.

"Armin!" the boy looked to his side and saw a his neighbor walking towards him. "So I guess you're serious."

"Yeah, I mean, I only have to climb some stairs and knock on a door." he laughed nervously. "It can be fun."

"That's the spirit!" Jean placed an arm around Armin's shoulder and they both started walking in. "You take the cart and I'll fill it up."

They bought glasses, some food Jean needed, soda, chips, bread, cheese, and a lot of things Jean pulled into the cart.

"How many people are you planning on inviting?" Armin chuckled as more items where thrown into the cart.

"I invite my friends, they invite theirs, and so on." He mumbled while staring at the sauces trying to pick some. "You can invite yours."

"Thanks" I didn't have to ask, at least.

After paying, Jean was worried looking at the amount of bags they would have to carry home. Specially because, looking at Armin, he didn't seem capable of lifting many.

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