The eyes are mirrors of the soul

851 26 13

"Where are we?"

"Welcome to Kyojin Entertainment." Jean spread his arms in the air. They were standing in front of a building in Kyoto where Jean dragged Armin keeping their destination secret just 'to make it more exciting'. He seemed to be quite proud of himself while Armin mostly confused.


That morning Jean woke Armin up with a message.

>We're going to Kyoto
>I'll knock at your door at 12:00, so you better be ready
>Don't worry, you'll love it

Armin didn't sleep decently that night and, in the morning, he felt sick again. The reason? He was hella nervous. I mean, he got used to spending time with Jean, but they wouldn't leave the apartments and the only time they met outside was by accident the night before. Armin had no idea of Jean's plans or where they were heading to, his head started spinning with all the possibilities. Jean never told him about Kyoto, only that he used to live in a bigger city when he was part of that band, but after what happened to Marco all those people, the noise, the continuous avalanche of bodies that crushed on him every day, it made him anxious.

All the thoughts that messed up Armin's mind the night before calmed down after a while. Armin managed to ignore them, guessing what caused it was the fact that he didn't have a real date in three years, and Jean seemed to be the type of guy who would make a perfect date. Armin slapped himself mentally and calmed his messy mind down, enough to be able to sleep, but that message made our usually calmed boy freak out and about to cancel the plans.

But he didn't. In fact, under that pile of crazy feelings, he was excited. Armin had never been to Tokyo before, and he didn't expect to find a reason to go so soon. He didn't trust his sense of direction enough to go to Tokyo by himself, so he didn't.

After calming down he rushed in the bathroom to have a shower, and due to his hurry he almost slipped and fell while getting out. Armin had 20 minutes left until Jean said he would pick him up and he was already dressed up, had eaten and prepared a little backpack with water, sandwiches and his medicines. With nothing else to do and the nerves growing in his chest, Armin took his phone and texted Jean, then took his things, the keys and went straight to his neighbor's door.

"I thought I would be the early one here." Jean stood there for five seconds checking Armin out in the most shameless way, and then he turned around and walked away leaving behind a flustered and confused Armin. "Nice outfit."

"Thanks." Armin whispered and looked down at his clothes. In fact he spent half of the time picking the style he liked the most, and he ended up wearing a plain light blue shirt, dark gray skinny jeans, black snickers and a long duffel coat since that day seemed to be specially cold. If I'm going to Tokyo, I'm doing it properly, he thought while dressing up, but after Jean's reaction, the blonde haired began to feel awkward like it was too much.

"Now I think I have to change not to look like a complete idiot walking by your side, Mr. fashionista." Jean dedicated Armin a quick last look before locking himself inside the bedroom.

Armin stood there, holding tight on his bag and his chest starting to feel heavy again, praying for Jean to change fast and to leave already. Maybe when they were outside and talking about whatever, Armin would feel casual again and all the paranoia that was threatening to take over him would fade away. That's the only thing the younger could think about, but when Jean opened the door and stepped outside, everything stopped for Armin, including his breath and maybe his heartbeat. Black ripped jeans, black shirt with irregular red lines crossing from side to side, a black, white and whine plaid shirt tied around his waist and a black leather jacket. It wasn't the color or the clothing choices, or the smirk on his face. It was all of it, an explosive combination of the intimidating atmosphere surrounding him, the confident smile addressed directly to Armin and the unusual style that surprised the boy to the point he could swear that wasn't the same person that walked in 10 minutes before.

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