Scared as hell

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Goldi POV

I woke up in a strange white room where am I I think to myself. I was just about to get up when a strange man in a white coat comes towards me. "Hello my name is Dr. Whale" he says

"Where am I" I ask.

"You are in storybrooke, don't you remember." He answers.

"No" I say "The last thing I remember I'm jumping through a rabbit hole and I hit my head and a woman with blond hair came up to me I'm not in Wonderland am I?!?!" I asked panicked.

"No like I said you're in Storybrooke Main in the realm with no magic."

"Wait is this the realm the evil queen cursed everyone to?!?" I ask afraid of the answer.

"Yep this is the place" he says.

"No-no no-no no-no no I can't be here has Regi- I mean the evil queen come see me yet?" Can't believe it my entire world was crashing down everything I've been running away from for 11 years has come back to me this can't be happening!

"No" he answers "I told her a new person has arrived here through a portal she said to call her back when you wake up I was just about to call he-" interrupt him as fast as I possibly can

"NO!!!" I yell "she can't know I'm here she can't know who I am!!! if she does she'll kill me or worse" my sentence trails off as I think about what would happen if she actually found me if she actually knew who I was.

"No need to worry" he says "she's changed she goes by Regina now she's the mayor she has a son a true love But that has a few minor complications."

"She had a true love once it didn't work out something tells me that she was not meant to have a happy ending!!" I yell. I try to get up and run but I fell backwards and I fumble up again trying to get my balance back then as soon as I'm about to get to the door the blonde woman who found me standing there.

"I'm sheriff swan but you can call me emma I'm the person who found you and you can't go anywhere until I sign you release forms. I just want to ask you a few questions starting with your rivalry with Regina why are you so scared of her? why would she kill you if she finds out who you are? who are you anyway?" she asks as if she's done this before, she probably has.

"Well pardon my rudeness people call me Goldi Goldilocks Bandit from Wonderland who went just a little too far and now I'm being chased so I told the Rabbit to take me to the farthest realm from there and I guess it was here but now I have to get back I don't care if I'm being chased I can't have Regina find me I've been running away from her for 11 years I can't have her find me just by chance she needs to work harder than that." I say with a smirk on my face pretending I don't have a care in the world but in reality I just want to be anywhere but here anywhere I don't care if I'm in jail I don't care if I'm dead I just can't be in the same realm as Regina.

"You know what Goldie I can sense when people are lying and right now you're as scared as hell."

Goldilocks (a ouat story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon