Part 8: She's the Tear In My Heart

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Remington's POV

The morning after our first beautiful night together, I went out to buy us breakfast. I didn't want to wake Joanna because she looked so peaceful, and my life practically belonged to her now. When I got back, she was still asleep, and then I heard her mumble in her sleep. She must have been dreaming. Looking at her so peaceful and relaxed made me love her more than I could ever explain. She was the most perfect angel to ever walk this Earth, and I never felt more grateful to be the one she loved and married. I would give up everything to make sure she's safe, take care of her, and support her in whatever we go through in our lives. As much as I knew how much she loved me too, I secretly hoped she'd do the same for me.

Halting my train of thoughts, she started stirring in her sleep, and slowly her eyes were fluttering open. She then turned her head to see me, and I smiled and said, "Good morning, ma chérie." She smiled back and said, "Good morning, mon chérie." I then kissed her lips, and she lightly giggled, making me want to kiss her more. She gently pulled away, and said while yawning, "did you bring me breakfast?" I handed her the coffee and croissant for her and responded, "of course, ma chérie. I'll always take care of you, no matter what." Then, I sat on the bed with her, and we ate our breakfast together.

"When we started playing," I started speaking, "the only thing that kept me going were our fans and my brothers. Besides them, it seemed like the world was against me and I wasn't meant to live happily ever after. Then, I met a girl named Veronica who I believe actually cared about me, and I would've given her the world. But then, she told me she wanted to move on, and I had to respect her wishes. So, if you saw any of her lies about what I did to her, they're not true. She just wanted to use me to get famous in the most dirty way possible." I started to feel tears fill up in my eyes. "I don't understand, though. I try so hard to be a good guy instead of what most people think I am. Now everyone thinks I'm some evil, goth singer. I don't know what people want from me." Joanna squeezed my hands as the tears rolled down my face. "But as much as I wish I never met her because of this pain, I'm so grateful she stepped out if my life, so that I could meet you and make you a part of my life."

She started crying, too, and then she kissed me softly while holding my face, and I put my arms around her. When we pulled away, we just laid there on the bed. Her head on my chest, and my arm under her. She was tracing the lines of my tattoos, and said they were beautiful works of art. I swear to God, she was too perfect for me. This moment right here was perfect, until my phone rang.

Joanna's POV

When Remington answered the phone, it turned out to be his younger brother, Emerson, the boy I ran into before I left the party that night. The look on his face as he was listening to what he heard on the other end made me start to worry. When he hung up, his eyes were full or fear and worry. "What is it, Remington?", I asked yet I was afraid of the answer. His tone was shaky and full of dread. "Someone saw me break Jasper's arm, and confirmed his story. Emerson just told me the head of the festival wanted to put me in jail and that in order to be safe, I needed to leave the city." Anxiety and dread filled my veins, and for the first time in my life, I wanted to get away from everything that was happening to me.

"Remington, please don't leave! I can't live without you! I'll tell them I was involved, too." I cried as he held me tight. "I don't want to leave you, ma chérie, but you can't take the fall for me for something you didn't do. I have to leave. But, before you do anything irrational, go to my mother, ask for help, and she'll get back to me somehow, and we'll be together again for good." I looked into his eyes and could tell he was dead serious about this. How could he be so committed to me? I always believed people got bored of me, and never wanted anything to do with me again. But, this boy was willing to give up everything in his life just to be with me. Tears still falling, I nodded. Then, he kissed me one last time before we'd be separated for the last time, and we got dressed to leave and go back to our bands, and hope fully figure something out.

We rode on his motorbike, and he left me at a close enough location, so people wouldn't recognize us together and I walked back to the festival. I wish I knew what was to come to me when I saw a bunch of cameras around our temporary home. "Joanna?", I turned to hear Luke's voice and my heart sank in dread and hopelessness when I saw him. With one knee to the ground. Holding a box with a diamond ring inside of it. "I know we've been working together for a while, and I feel bad I never gave you a chance to shine. But, I just wanted to keep our relationship a secret." What the fuck was he talking about? He acted like I never existed. "But, now I feel like this is the perfect moment to finally introduce you to our fans in the best way possible." The cameras and mikes were pointed right at us, trapping me into a situation I didn't realize I was dreading. "Joanna Lieseil Corinne". Please, God, no. "Will you marry me?"

😱😱😱 O!M!G! Unexpected turn of events! What will happen to our beloved star-crossed couple? What will Joanna do? Will Remington ever be reunited with his ma chérie? I'm so excited to write the rest of this story and see what you guys think. Thank you all for the reads and votes. If you can, please recommend this to someone you believe will enjoy this story as well! 😊😊😊

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