Part 4: So Close, Yet So Far

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Joanna's POV

As I rushed back into the party to try to stop Ivy, I noticed that Jasper was arguing with our publicist, and then I started overhearing what they were saying. "Jasper, as much as it might be inconvenient for you", our publicist argued, "you have to pretend you have some respect for Palaye Royale while they're here if you still want to perform at this festival." Wait, Palaye Royale are here? How did I not notice? Then I heard Jasper. "Did you not hear the guy singing with Joanna earlier? He sounds exactly like their goth lead singer, Remington Leith. And he had the gall to be that close to her. He could have hurt her-" "That's enough," our publicist cut him off. "If you can't control your anger, I'll have to remove you from your own party."

I didn't hear anything after that after I realized the boy I just kissed was Remington? The lovely boy from our only rival band? My enemy in competition? Why did this have to happen? Why did the only boy I ever loved have to be from the only band my own hates? He didn't seem like someone who would hurt me, so why should he or his brothers be hated? I couldn't be here anymore, so I left the party early.

As I walked past the audience, I bumped into another boy with an Indian chief headdress, and accidentally knocked off his shades. I picked them up for him, and recognized him as Remington's brother, Emerson. He noticed my shocked face and looked afraid I might snitch him out. I shook my head, and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "my name is Joanna. Your brother Remington is a beautiful person, and I hope to see him again if he can. I hold no hate for him or his family." I took a quick glance at his face as he looked a little more relaxed and he smiled a little, and then I left.

Remington's POV

I tried to run after her, but Sebastian caught me and told me we have to leave. I asked him why and he said he believes one of Calypso's band members may have recognized me when I sang earlier with that girl I was just with. "Aw, shit. I screwed up big time. Sorry, Seb," I apologized. "Don't worry about it. Let's just go before we get kicked out or they start something ugly." As he was talking, I noticed that the girl was whispering something to Emerson, and hurried to ask him. Then, the girl who saw me and her kissing confronted me with a salty face and warned me, "be careful with that girl. She may not be as an important member of Calypso as Luke, but she's my best friend. Watch yourself, goth boy." She then left, and I was confused. Was that girl I was with a member of Calypso? If so, what will that mean for me and my band?

Then, I remembered Emerson and went to ask him what that girl whispered to him. He told me that the girl's name was Joanna and that I was a beautiful boy whom she wants to see again. That part made me smile. Then he said she holds no hate toward me or my brothers. That's when my smile went away and I realized what I just did. I just kissed a member of our competition. As if I didn't already feel like a screw-up, I kissed a beautiful girl who was part of our rival band. I wanted to kick myself for being so stupid, but then I started thinking about how calm and happy I felt when I was singing with her and when we were close. She was the most beautiful and amazing girl I ever met, and I swear I would give my life for her. After I thought I wasn't meant to find love again, I guess fate decided to smile upon me this one time after seeing how much I was suffering.

As the guys exited the building to go back to our tour bus, I stayed behind to try to see Joanna again and risk getting caught and my ass kicked. I kept my hoodie on and stayed out of sight as I observed where her band was staying. I saw them enter some kind of bus like ours. I watched as each member of the band walk through the door, but I didn't see her anywhere. I was beginning to worry I might not be able to see her tonight because I wasn't sure when I would see her again. Then, I noticed in the distance, she was sitting on the ledge of one of the stages around. I was about to call out to her, but I didn't want to scare her right away, so I hid backstage and watched her for a little. God, she was so fucking beautiful. Her eyes were so gentle and soft, and her hair shined in the moonlight. I would give anything if it meant I could stand by her side for the rest of my life and after that.

Then, like a magical moment in a movie, she started singing.

In a perfect world, one we've never known
We would never need to face the world alone
They can have the world, we'll create our own
I may not be brave or strong or smart
But somewhere in my secret heart
I know love will find a way
Anywhere I go, I'm home
If you are there beside me
Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way

Then I joined in the second verse, and sat next to her.

I was so afraid, now I realize
Love is never wrong and so it never dies
There's a perfect world shining in your eyes

We both finished out the song together.

And if only they could feel it too
The happiness I feel with you
They'd know love will find a way
Anywhere we go, we're home
If we are there together
Like dark turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way
I know love will find a way

When we were finished, she rested her head on my shoulder. I took her hand in mine, and we just sat in silence for a while. She broke the silence when she asked me, "we'll never be able to be together, won't we?" I wasn't sure how to answer that, so I responded, "I believe that if we care about each other enough, nothing can stand between the both of us."

WOW!!!! I'M LOVING THIS SO MUCH! I hope this story goes well, and you all enjoy it. The song I used toward the end was a song from The Lion King 2, which I know is lame, but perfectly describes the how beautiful their forbidden, star-crossed love is. So, you can add Disney nerd to embarrasing traits about me. Thank you! 🌹🌹🌹

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