Chapter 9

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Grayson's POV:
-2 months later Tuesday morning-

It's finally time to get my stupid casts off, I can't wait, they have been nothing but a pain in the ass, especially when it came to bathing because I wasn't allowed to get them wet. At the same time though, I'm scared to get them taken off because I know I won't have the same ability to move my legs as before. They've been inactive for so long that my doctor told me it would take a couple months of physical therapy for me to walk and move the way I used too. It truly sucks that this is such a long recovery.

"Ahhh this is so exciting!" James squeals as he wheels me to the reception of the doctors office. He's been so incredibly supportive throughout the whole process and I couldn't ask for a better friend. I say friend but that's a very loose term because we're taking things slowly from the night we kissed and by that I mean we're waiting before we become an official couple. But I'm going to ask him tonight because I want him to be mine, to be able to tell people that he's my boyfriend and feel so proud of it. It's been hard to keep our hands off each other and we definitely do not do a good job because every night we would end up making out for ages in just our boxers. I never realised how amazing it is to hear James moan because I sucked on a sensitive part of his neck. I can't wait to get my legs back to their normal functioning so that we can take it further, I know how bad we both want it. We would often send messages to each other telling the other all about the dirty things we want to do to the other person and it would usually end with jerking off.

"Finally no more being your personal servant" Ethan jokes. I couldn't have made such a good recovery if it wasn't for Ethan always being there to help me and take me to all my doctor appointments. E's not been having the easiest 2 months as Emma and him have not been working out the way he wished. Turns out Ian was finally ready to be with her and only her and so they started dating. James was always the one who was most grossed out about it because he had to hear them going at it whenever he would go back to his house where Ian was also living. I don't know why Emma stays with him when there's photos of him getting close and personal with so many girls at parties and I am almost positive he's cheated on her. It's probably her insecurity in herself that makes her block it out because she doesn't think she deserves any better. Little does she know that Ethan would give her everything she wants and more.

"You were a shit servant bro, you smashed my wheelchair into stuff all the time!" I respond, laughing and E laughs too, he knows it's true.

It takes the doctor a couple minutes to get the cast off my legs but when he does I can't help but just stare at the bare skin on my legs, it feels so freeing. At the same time I feel the worry in my stomach, because now is all about finding out how much mobility I've lost.

It turns out that I can barely even stand without holding onto something. I'm not going to lie, I cried in the doctors office because it seemed this recovery was never going to end. It was going to be daily physical therapy for months before I'll be able to regain use of them.

That night I have Ethan help me set up a dinner for me and James at our house, it's going to be cliche but I don't care, I just want to finally ask James to be mine. We place a couple of candles around the dining room and I basically boss Ethan around for a couple hours as the combination of him and cooking is dangerous. Just as James arrives, an hour late as usual, we manage to get the food onto the plates and ready on the table.

I wheel myself over to the dining room as Ethan goes to open the door for James.

"Oh my god Grayson!" James says in awe, looking around at the room which is simply lit by candles and a dim light above the table.

"Do you like it?" I ask with a smile on my face, I already know the answer.

"I love it" James responds as he comes over and hugs me tight.

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