Chapter 8

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James' POV:

-9am Tuesday morning-

I wake up to Grayson's face inches away from mine, it's a sight I would love to wake up to every morning. His breathing is slow and steady and I assume he won't wake up for a while still. Unfortunately we couldn't cuddle at night because he has to sleep on his back with some pillows propping up his broken legs. However, just having his presence helped me fall asleep and not wake up with nightmares throughout the night.

I decide to stay in bed for a while and just scroll through my phone until Grayson woke up and needed help with getting out of bed. I know Grayson hates being so helpless and he gets so worked up when he can't do something himself. Thank god the twins live in a house with no stairs or else getting Grayson around would be so much harder.

"Morning" I hear him say in his deep morning voice.

"Hey handsome" I turn around with a smile on my face, propping myself up with my elbow so I am looking at him.

"Could you pass me my medication, it's just in my bag I brought from the hospital. Oh and some water please" Grayson asks and I can hear the strain in his voice, he's still in a lot of pain from the fractures and I can tell he's trying his best to keep it together.

I fetch him everything and watch him swallow the pills, I feel so bad for him, he doesn't deserve all of this.

"I feel really awkward saying this but please can you help me to the toilet" Grayson says as he starts to hoist his upper body up to a sitting position, twisting his body to the side so his legs are dangling off the bed.

"Of course I can Gray, don't feel awkward asking me anything, I want to help in any way I can" I assure him. It's a struggle but I manage to get him on his wheelchair and take him to his en suite bathroom. Grayson's just in underwear and even with two broken legs he still makes me flustered with his unbelievably sexy body. I lift him from his wheelchair on the toilet and leave, waiting outside the door for when he's done. We have a good laugh as I attempt to get him back in his wheelchair being the skinny and definitely not muscly or strong person I am.

"I'm going to bring you some breakfast so you don't have to get out of bed because you need all the rest you can get" I tell him as I go to make him some cereal.

"How's Grayson doing?" Emma asks me, looking up from her computer screen with big purple bags under her eyes from most likely editing all night. This girl has one of the most unhealthy lifestyles I've ever seen.

"He's in a lot of pain but he just took his meds so he should be feeling better soon. I just wish there was more I could do you know" I sigh.

"James you're trying your best and I'm sure Grayson really appreciates it. How's you and Adam?" She asks another question, one that I really don't want to answer.

"I don't know Emma, I don't really wanna talk about him right now"

"Just break up with him if you don't like him anymore" She says, oh if only life was as easy as doing the things you want with no repercussions.

I take mine and Gray's breakfast to his room When I see him pointing his phone at me and smiling.

"Are you recording right now?" I say unimpressed as my appearance right now is disgusting; literally my hair flat and my face spotty, wearing one of Grayson's soft tops.

I can't help it (James and Grayson) Where stories live. Discover now