Chapter 7

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James' POV:

-2 weeks later on a Monday morning-

I'm beyond excited, the doctors told Ethan that they are going to be taking Grayson out of the medically induced coma. Apparently they said he's had enough time to recover but they did warn us that there could be some issues with his memory or even other areas of his brain. That thought scares me so much. I want him to be the same old Grayson.

It's been hard these past two weeks back at home. I've been non stop fighting with Adam about anything and everything because I've been so stressed about trying to fit everything in my schedule for YouTube as well as visiting Grayson everyday just to talk to him. Adam is trying to be supportive but I don't want his support, I just want Grayson to wake up and tell us everything is going to be okay.

If there's one good thing that's come out of this horror, it's that me, Emma and Ethan have gotten so much closer with each other considering we're seeing each other everyday at the hospital to keep Grayson company.

Ethan mentioned that their mum was visiting Grayson everyday and staying at his house but their dad has flown back to their home town, back to work. I can't imagine being so cold hearted that you don't care about your kid even when his life is hanging on a thread. Ethan still wouldn't tell me exactly what caused the argument at the dinner table but it must of been something insane if his dad had the reaction he did.

I've got a video to film today but I'm debating just waiting till after Grayson wakes up. Every video I've uploaded in these two weeks has everyone commenting about how I'm acting different and not my usual bubbly self. I thought I could fake being happy but apparently I'm not as good at it as I originally thought.

In the end my manager convinces me to film today because once Grayson wakes up I'll want to spend more time with him.

-4pm on Monday-

After 6 hours of filming, I finally have all the footage I need for the video where I test out all the foundations I could get my hands on to see which one best matched my skin. I send the footage over to my editor so that they can get started on the process of making it into actual good content instead of me repeating the same sentences a hundred times in a million different ways.

I check my phone and notice a missed call and a text on my phone from Ethan. I open the text and it just says "Grayson's awake, you can come visit when you're free". I feel excitement in my stomach, the feeling of a hundred butterflies swarming around in there.

I essentially sprint out the door and get into my car to drive to the hospital. It's a long drive as the highway is busy and all I can say is that the road rage was very strong during that journey.

Once I'm in the hospital I head straight over to Grayson's room. Before I even enter the room, I can see his eyes open and looking up at the TV opposite his bed. He looks quite bored and nobody else seems to be in the room which is surprising.

I knock to be polite and see Grayson's face light up and he sits up slightly.

"Oh my god I cannot believe you're finally awake" I screech with joy.

"Well I felt like you would all whoop my ass if I didn't wake up" Grayson chuckles and holds his arms out for a hug. I instantly embrace him and it feels so good to have him hold me again, not to mention his skin has gained back it's golden colour and he's actually warm to the touch.

"Lay with me for a bit" Grayson suggests and who am I to deny him a cuddle after everything he's been through. I lay on his chest and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, it feels so right to be here with him. I almost just want to blurt our all my feelings for him but he just woke up, he doesn't need that right now.

I can't help it (James and Grayson) Where stories live. Discover now