I walk towards her.

"Hey." I say.

She is startled for a moment as she obviously hadn't noticed me.

"Hi." She says.

She has striking grey eyes and a sharp nose.

I go and sit on a rock beside her after a few seconds I realise that she is looking eagerly at me as though waiting for me to say something.

"Umm. Do you know why this lake is of this colour ?" I ask.

I mentally slap myself.

Could've asked anything.
Literally anything and that's what I chose.

She looks at me, confused.

"Umm I guess. No." She says after clearing her throat.

"There is a green algae in lakes and rivers and it often lends a blue-green color to the water. Of course some other lakes or rivers tend to have a different colour because of various reasons. Like some can be greener than the others. There is even a pink lake in Australia kno-"

Dude stop talking. For the sake of humanity just stop talking.

"That's umm-" She stops for a moment and then says, "Interesting."

"I am Nolan. By the way." I say.

My nervousness has now gone. There can't possibly be anything else I can do or say to make myself seem like a bigger fool.

"Nolan. Nice name." She says.

Crap. That's like the most civilised way of saying 'I don't wanna talk to you so let's end the conversation here'.

I am unsure what to say next and am about to just get up and leave when she says, "You're new here, huh?"

"Yup. Just moved here a couple of days ago." I say.

"Oh." She says.

After a few seconds I say, "This is a beautiful place, isn't it?"

"Ya, it really is."

"I had no idea that there was such a place in this town. I don't think many people know about this." I say.

"They don't. In fact I think I'm the only one who comes here. It's just so deep into the woods that no one bothers."

How far had I come into the woods ?!

"What were you doing in here? In the woods? " She asks.


"I mean, there must've been some reason that you had come so deep in the woods."

"Ya. Umm. I was just walking around and uh-" I begin to say.

"You got lost didn't you?" She asks with a knowing smile.

"Yup." I say with a sigh.

"That's not bad. Some beautiful paths can only be found by getting lost." She says.

"You love nature, huh?" I ask with a smile.

"Well, it is cheaper than therapy so." She laughs and says.

"As such, it feels good to be lost in the right direction sometimes." She says with a shrug.

"Hmm." I say.

"What'd you say your name was, again?" I ask in an effort to know her name.

"I didn't." She says with a smile.

"Oh um ya."

We just continued to sit there in silence for sometime. But it wasn't an awkward silence more like one of those times when you don't need to say anything.

Suddenly her phone beeps and she takes it out and reads something on it.

"I should go now. It was nice meeting you." She says and gets up.

"I should get going too." I say.

"Would you find your way from here ?" She asks.

"I guess."

"It's a jigsaw puzzle in here. I could drop you."

"Oh no It's fine. As such even you won't know the way to my house from here."

"I know this place like the back of my hand." She says with a smile.

"You come here often?" I ask.

"Yup. So do you want me to show you the way? "

"Nah. I am good. Thanks anyways."

"Okay." She says and then turns to leave.

"What exactly should I call you?" I ask.

She doesn't say anything for sometime and just continues to stare at me.

Then she thinks for a moment and says, "Elara."

"Bye Elara." I say.

She just gives me a smile and leaves.

I just sit there for sometime, staring at the lake before taking out my phone and tracking my location and the path to home.

Author's Note :-

Hey guys. Thanks for giving this book a try. I know it's got some shitty grammer and is pretty boring right now but I promise it'll get interesting after a few more chapters.

Of course the first few chapters are just gonna be the base which is quite important for this book.

So I know it's gonna be a little like 'What the hell is even going on?' But it'll get better if you manage to get through.

Thanks again.
Love y'all.

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