When He Gets Jealous (Cullens)

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, College has been kicking my butt. And for Edward's section... I couldn't resist not to put something related to Harry Potter because if you know you know. However I do want to say, even though I do adore Harry Potter a bit, I do not support J.K Rowling therefore the Harry Potter related stuff will be limited at different preference chapters. Also I written this in November and I just forgot to edit it to be presentable. It's a long awaited published but yeah!


Edward knew you were a fan of Harry Potter Series but what he didn't know was that you were Team Cedric instead of Team Harry or Draco. It was spirit week and on Monday it's Wear Your Hogwarts House Symbols. So you being a Hufflepuff like Cedric decided to wear your Hufflepuff robe and Hogwarts cosplay uniform you made a while ago. "Oh it still fits!" You screamed looking at yourself in the mirror. Once finalizing your morning routine you headed off to school, when you entered you saw a lot of people just having wands and a regular Hogwarts uniform. But no one and I mean no one had a robe like yours.
(A/N: If you aren't a Hufflepuff, I'm sorry. Haha, I am a Hufflepuff. Comment your Hogwarts house if you have one!)

"(Y/N)?" You heard your boyfriend say behind you. He was dressed in normal clothes. "You look great."

"Where's your robe!" You yelled at him, "Edward I gave and made you a Hufflepuff robe!"

He nodded, "I know. But I don't really like the whole dress up thing." You gasped, "(Y/N)."

"No, no, no." You said, "No way! You know how much I spent on making another pair of Hufflepuff's robe! Edward you owe me..."

He nodded again, "Why are you so protective of Hufflepuff?"

"Hey, Hufflepuff is a great house! They are loyal, modest, affectionate, fair and they have an awesome prefect, captain and seeker of quidditch as well!"

He scoffed, "Who is it?"

"Cedric Diggory." You goo-goo eyed and Edward groaned, "What?!"

He shook his head, "No, nothing. You always talk your head off of that Diggory boy." Why did he sounded like Amos Diggory when he was involving Harry's name and Cedric's name in one sentence? "I don't get what you see in him."

"You would've understood if you payed attention to my slide presentation of Hufflepuffs and some famous people in that house!" You bickered, "I invested my time in that project."

"I know you did." Edward says, "I listened until you talked your head off of Diggory then I listened after you stopped talking about him."

You gasped even louder, "My oh my, you're jealous Cullen!" You tried to pull off a Malfoy tone when calling his last name. "You're jealous of Cedric!"

Edward's face became red, "I am not jealous of a fictional quidditch star boy who was the Hogwarts Champion." You clenched your heart, "Why? What happened?"

"Don't remind me of the Triwizard Games." You pleaded, "It breaks my heart everytime." You pretended to wipe a fake tear that dropped down your cheek. "But that still doesn't change the fact you're jealous of the handsome, smart, friendly, and modest Cedric Diggory." You smiled.

"Stop thinking, if he was actually alive in our reality you'd marry him. It's weird." Edward says. You thought of another thing, "You wanted to mARRY him!" You nodded and ran away leaving your boyfriend in the halls while you went to first period.

(A/N: This was a bit hard to write. Jasper doesn't seem like the type to get jealous a lot in my opinion. So I had to do sort of the same thing with what I did with Edward's section.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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