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A week after V's mother's death

V still couldn't seem to work up any appetite— he'd skipped Jin's meals for three times straight, and the last time he'd eaten anything properly was two days ago. And it had only been a simple peanut butter sandwich that I'd had to force him to eat.

He barely smiled— the last lucky one I'd gotten was when he'd played with Jungkook and beat him in Overwatch, and it wasn't even a real, genuine one.

And to add to that pile of negativities, he now had severe nightmares whenever he went to sleep. Every time I went to check on him during the night, he'd be sitting awake— staring blankly into the moonlight.

Everyone was getting worried, and since all six had basically moved into Snow Glen Apartments, each became even more determined to distract V from his mother's passing.

Jin had first tried to get him into baking, saying that it was the joy in life. He'd literally dragged over bags of powdered sugar and sticks of butter into V's house, stating that they were going to bake a three-tiered cake together.

It didn't work out so well.

V ended up exploding one of the bags, which went on to cover the two of them in the powdery, white substance from head to toe. And he'd been too unfocused during the process, putting in a tablespoon of vanilla extract instead of just a teaspoon into the batter.

Needless to say, the cake had come out pretty okay. It was overly sweet and had a slight bitter tang from the extract, but we'd finished the entire thing in one go.

But it hadn't worked. V had washed the sugar and vanilla off of him and had gotten back to the exact person he'd been before— distant, distracted, unfocused.

Although the vanilla had made him smell even more intoxicating, it hadn't done any good with his depressed state.

Then Suga stepped in, announcing that all the poor boy needed was just some hardcore sleep. And since, he declared, he was the master of sleeping, he would teach him how to rest without the nightmares that plagued him at night.

The process was absolutely hilarious to watch— Suga had given V his own "comfort pillow", which was apparently a sleeping utensil that was equipped with technology to help a person fall asleep better.

And then he'd made V do yoga before he got to sleep.

One thing that everyone learned from this lesson— V and yoga didn't go together. To be honest, they didn't belong in the same planet.

After he'd spent the yoga session and tried his hardest not to curse, he'd probably had the worst nightmare that he'd ever had in his life. V had thrashed for hours before Jimin managed to wake him up with a old-fashioned glass of cold water.

To sum up what happened next, he wasn't very happy about the fact that Jimin had drenched him in icy water and had thrown him straight into the pool in the Apartment area.

And after that, Suga never put yoga and V in the same sentence.

Then, of course, Hoseok decided V could relax if he just learned how to dance a little. He had meant it as a relieving way of doing exercise and distraction, but it had turned out better than anyone could've imagined.

V had a knack for dancing.

And when I say dance, I mean hardcore, purely aggressive dancing. And when I say he had a knack for the stuff, I mean that V looked very, very good when he was dancing.

So that had worked out pretty well, except it didn't seem to snap V out of depression as I thought it would. He'd gotten so good at it that he managed to distract himself while performing all of those impossible dance moves.

Hoseok decided to stop the sessions when V began to get better than him—  without even being focused on the exercise. He'd still wanted to keep his self-esteem, since he'd been the number one dancer for a long time now.

When Namjoon had seen that exercising and physical activities didn't seem to stick well with the boy, he'd chosen to go with the "training the mind."

Just for that cause, he'd gotten books and books filled with equations, formulas, and tremendously long vocabulary.

We all knew that Namjoon was a genius— and he had a sky high IQ to back that up. He'd taken the Standardized Test meant for graduates when he was in 7th grade, and had aced the thing. What more has to be said?

But unlike his mentor, V had a very one track mind that focused on one thing and did not let go. Sometimes he'd go astray, but it would never be the path Namjoon wanted him to follow.

And he was so distracted that Namjoon gave up on trying to get him to solve the first question.

Whenever Namjoon would ask him a riddle, V would come up with such a nonsensical answer that apparently made perfect sense in his head. After V had answered that we technically belonged in space and not Earth, Namjoon gave up on the boy entirely.

I didn't exactly blame him— he'd tried his hardest, but it just hadn't snapped like it was supposed to.

After all of those people trying, Jimin had finally jumped to get a chance at the hardest challenge that'd ever been introduced to the six boys— distract Kim Taehyung.

In turn, he'd shown V archery— one of his favorite sports. The first thing he did was to drag the drained boy down to the nearest archery center he could find and clasp his fingers around a gigantic recurve bow, which was almost as tall as the person holding it.

V usually possessed a graceful air around him, and from what I'd seen— excellent body coordination. He definitely had the talent for the sport,  proceeding to hit every bullseye without missing a single target.

But having talent for it and having interest was two completely opposite things.

He found archery boring after a few times, and to Jimin's dismay, drifted back to his own world to wallow in his mother's death.

And he hadn't smiled once— which was disappointing on my part. I'd been really looking forward to seeing his big, boxy smile again, and almost had given up when Jungkook had come to his rescue.

The tall boy had dragged V into a room, sat him down on a beanbag chair, and had thrown him a game controller.

"He just needs to play some Overwatch, hyungs. It's the best thing that will ever happen to him— and you'll thank me for it, trust me."

The controller, and neither did Jungkook's avatar in the game, ended up intact as they were in the first place.

After a few practice rounds, V was up from beginner to professional— he immediately clicked with the game, like he was meant to play Overwatch since he was born. In my perspective, Jungkook had gotten the farthest in distracting V— V seemed to forget about some of the sadness and grief when the game swallowed him in its barrage of gunshots and bomb explosions.

But like the other ones he'd been introduced to, he got bored in record time. After exactly the sixth match of crushing Jungkook, he'd given a small smile and had told us that he appreciated the effort, but he was actually fine to begin with.

Yeah, right.

And then I became the major distraction that he couldn't stay away from. Even though I'd never tried or given any effort, it turned out that there was something we'd all forgotten.

He hated me getting hurt.

Then it became more of a disaster than what we'd all believed to be.

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