<3 moving out and in

Start from the beginning

"what's so funny?"

"oh nothing!"

"liars die ,garrett"

a/n: ;)) tam tam ily

"ughhh fine! i may have bought you something online... you will get it tomorrow i think."

"what did you get me??"
i'm honestly nervous, what the hell is this bitch doing ?

"you gotta wait and see"

"ok asshole!"


"sorry gare bear"


he takes his hands and ruffles my hair and makes me laugh like a bitch.

the car is simply filled with dumb laughter and garrett playing songs while trying to sing along with them in a playing way.

he can actually sing.
fuck he is so talented it hurts.
damn i'm in love.

when we arrive to the apartment complex i simply sigh and feel a leap of anxiety hit me

what will people think?
is he doing this for pity?
will he hate me?
am i good enough to live with him?

i try and shake it off to get out of the car but i feel simply paralyzed till i feel garrett's hand on my shoulder

"hey andrew?? are you ok?"

oh yea i just i couldn't move for a second."

"are you sure you're alright? i'm worried."

"i'll be fine gare bear. now let's go inside."

i put the key into the apartment door and this is where it began

garret's pov
when he opened the door i walked in with full on glee.

i seen pictures of us and the squad all over the place.

he really did love us and that made my heart swell. we loved him too. so so fucking much.

i go over to his room and look at his night stand.

i see one picture and it's of him and i.

i remember when we took the picture like it was yesterday and i just wonder why it's the only one in there.

it's nothing.

"hey andrew what all do you want to take for the first round of stuff" i yell from inside his bedroom

he was in his small living area while i was toting an empty box just waiting to be filled.

i all of sudden see the twink carrying as many pictures as possible in his arms

"oh my god,andrew! that's so many!!"

"well i need them all" he says as he puts them into the box.

"oh and definitely this!"
he grabs the picture of us and before laying in the box he looks at it and smiles then does a small chuckle

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