50. Rydellington Interview Part 2

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Rydel's POV

The interview started. They asked us about the music and the tour and what we are going to do the coming time. We all answerd honestly so it was good.

"Well that's amazing!" Dana said. "But we have to be honest, we didn't just invided you to alone here to just talk about R5" Oh no, here it comes.

"Oh really?" Ellington said sarcasticly. I had to laugh because Ellington made a really weird face.

"Yes, because you two just did a cover together and we have to admit that we saw some strong sparks and feelings. What's the update?" Joslyn says. I look at Ellington and he nodds knowing that i want him to tell.

"Well, we know that Rydel and i have really much shippers, and we really appriciate that. It was also kind of a honor for me because Rydel never had a boyfriend and the fans wanted me to be Rydel's first boyfriend. And the fans were keeping asking about if we were a real thing and if the guys shipped us too. We were never really open with it, sometimes i make jokes about it but mostly i get a bit shy. But now i don't have to be shy anymore because, me and Rydel are together!" I say and i see the smile on Joslyn's, Dana's and Rydel's face.

"Really?? That's amazing, congratulations!" Dana says.

I'm blushing and dicided to talk. "Thank you so much."

"So when did this all happen?" Joslyn asks.

"Maybe like 3 months ago, yeah i think so" i say.

"So you are 3 months together?" Dana asks and me and Ellington nod.

"So Rydel what do you brothers think about you're relationship with Ellington?" Dana asks.

"Well everybody knows that Rocky, was like, the BIGGEST Rydellington shippers of all the Rydellington shippers. Like if you have 100% of the people who ship Rydellington then it is like 35% the fans,, and 65% Rocky, he even calls himself 'The Rydellington Lord'. So he was like fangirling. But my other brothers where like kinda protective, mostly Riker, because i'm his little sister. But they all were cool with it. And my friends are soo happy for me that i finally got a boyfriend."

"That is amazing, we are so happy for you two, and we hope that you are together for a long time." Dana says and Joslyn nods. We thank them and go home. 

It's all out.

I'm super happy!

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