49. Rydellington Interview

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Ellington's POV

After the duet from me and Rydel, the fans went crazy! Everybody is talking about if Rydel and I are together or not. It's funny because i know that i found the love of my life. What i'm gonna say right now sounds probably really weird, but i feel honored that i am Rydel first boyfriend and that i gave her her first kiss. Because she is soo beautiful and kind and sweet and gorgeous and amazing that i don't understand why she never had a boyfriend. Well that's not totally true because she has 4 kinda protective brothers so yeah that would be a big reason. But ClevverTV invited me and Rydel to come over to talk about our music, but i'm pretty sure that they wanna talk about us too.

I walk my house out and walk to the Lynch's house. It's a really short walk and i'm happy with that, because i'm lazy very much. A walk in the backdoor because i don't have to ring the doorbell. I see Rocky laying in the pool and Ross just wants to jump in the pool when he saw me.

"Oh hey dude!" Ross says and jumps in the pool.

"Hey um, were is your sister?" i ask and Rocky wakes up.

"She is upstairs in her room getting ready. But dude what are you gonna say when they ask if you guys are a couple, because you are really bad at lying." he says and i feel hurt.

"What? I'm a really good liar!!" I say and Ross comes above the water knowing everything Rocky and i said.

"Oh, so did you and Rydel had sex?" Ross asks and feel that i get red.

"No.." i say an turn around fast and walk upstairs. I stand infront of Rydel's door and i knock.

"Who is it?" she asks with her beautiful and soft voice.

"The sexiest most handsome boy that you know" i say and i hear her laugh.

"Come in!" she says and walk in. She wears a black and white striped dress with pink short sleeves and black boots.

"Woaw, you look amazing!!" I say and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, and what was that with Rocky and Ross?" she asks.

"Well, Rocky asks me what we are gonna do when they ask if we are a couple and he said that i can't lie." i say and Rydel nods

"Oh okay, and they are right, you are really bad at lying."

"Hé!?" i say and she starts to laugh, she really has such a cute laugh.

"Come on let's go, we don't wanna get late." and me and Rydel leave and go to the car.

We are at the studio of ClevverTV and the interviewers Joslyn Davis and Dana Ward welcome us to their studio. We go into the make-up. I was ready in 5 minutes but Rydel wasn't. So i waited for her 15 minutes longer. I know she wants make-up on but she is gorgeous with make-up and without make-up i don't care. She is my sweetie.

After 15 minutes, we walked to the studio and sit on the couch. Dana and Joslyn walked towards us and told us that it would start in 5 minutes.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Rydel who was shaking and holding my hand.

"A little, i don't know what i should say if they ask about our relationship." Rydel says.

"I know babe, but everything is gonna work out i know it for sure. And the fans are been shipping us since FOREVER!" i say.

"I am not worried about the fans, just about the press. It would be out in every magazine..."

"Delly, it's gonna be okay." I give her a hug and we wait.


R5 IS BACK ON TOUR YAY!! More tour pics! I live in The Netherlands soo i won't see them soooo much.

Greet x

Me And You (A Raura/Rydellington Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz