There was something different about him that caught her, maybe it was his striped blue and white shirt — her favorite colors — or how his smile gave her butterflies in the stomach, she wasn't sure but there was something different there.

They spent almost the whole night like that, exchanging nothing more than glances and a few smiles until Kaycee's friends were back with her.

"Ready to go, sis?" Tahani asked her, holding Bailey.

"Already?" Her friend looked at her confused. "I mean, it's only four am and you guys normally stay until almost six."

"Yeah but I think this one it's about to be out for the night." She pointed to the other who was almost out, resting her head on Tahani's shoulder.

Kaycee laughed. "Gosh, I didn't even notice that she drank so much. I'm just gonna pay and I'll be right back."

While she went to the cashier to pay, she looked across the bar hoping to get one final glance of him but he wasn't there anymore so she sighed and paid for what they consumed, going back to her friends.

then you walk on over with a smolder

As they were walking out of the party, Kaycee heard someone asking to wait. She didn't know anyone at the party besides her friends but somehow she felt as if the voice was calling her, so when she turned around, there was the guy in the blue and white striped shirt walking towards her with a smirk on his lips that had the potential to start a fire without a flame.

and you hand me your number, I say, "what is this?" you say, "love..."

"Here." Without any other word, he extended a napkin with a number on it.

She chuckled holding the peace of paper, and he held the other end. "What's this?"

Both of them sharing smiles. "This..." without letting go of the paper he took a step closer to her, and with his other hand, he motioned to space between them. "This is proof that love at first sight exists."

She laughed while blushing. "Are you crazy? I don't even know you."

"Exactly." He said with a soft smile on his lips before letting go of the paper. "Call me if you decided that you want to." And then he was walking away from her.

She stayed in a state of trance for a few seconds just looking at him and the paper on her hand until her friend cleared her throat behind her.

"So... what was that about?" Tahani asked as Kaycee shoved the paper in the pocket of her big coat.

"I have no idea." She answered, going back to help her friend to carry Bailey. "let's go, this one needs her bed."

I start to drive away and smile like I'm insane, how can I feel this way? I don't even know your name, the napkin doesn't say

Tahani sat in the backseat with Bailey so they both could take a nap as Kaycee drove them to the apartment they shared.

As the night walked past them she couldn't help but remember him and his words, with a smile that never left her face. It was crazy and she didn't understand how could be possible for her to be feeling so affectioned by a man she met less than four hours ago. If you could call sharing glances with each other as 'meeting someone'. 

you don't even know his name, for fucking sake, Kaycee. She thought to herself as she parked her car in the garage of their apartment.

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