"No one asked you to listen. Besides, once Dani moves in, I'll finally have something to do instead of plot ways to annoy you."

"Wait," I said raising my eyebrows. "Who said I was moving in?"

"You want to stay with Old Man Grey?" Alyx asked with a slight tilt of her head. "It's pretty boring over there. I would know." She glared at Damon. "I had to live there till this idiot let me stay at the pack house."

"Entrance into the pack house is to the Alpha's discretion," Damon growled. "You're only there because Luke begged like a love sick puppy."

"But you're happy I'm there, Damon," Alyx replied. "I make your life interesting."

"You make my life a living hell."

"Then I'm doing my job." She smiled at him before turning her attention to me. "Please come stay at the pack house, Dani. Do you really want to keep torturing Damon? Poor little Alpha stays outside your house all night just so he can see you."

I glanced at Damon who was stuck between embarrassment and rage. His face was slightly tinged pink while his eyes were a murderous shade of black. He looks cute when he blushes. It shows that under his badass persona, he's still a love stricken high school boy.

"I mean if it's not an inconvenience to anyone, I don't see why I can't move in. I'll have to clear it with Mr. Grey."

Suddenly the bell rang, and Damon took the opportunity to pull me away.

"I wish you wouldn't encourage her," Damon sighed. "You realize she won't leave you alone now."

I shrugged. "Alyx is a handful, but she seems nice."

"We'll see how you feel after a week of living with her."

Class seemed to drag into eternity as I waited for the lunch bell. I completely zoned out in English, but when will I ever need to know the author's tone and mood in everyday life.

After class, I met up with Daniel---well more like he found me at my locker. He seemed a bit frazzled than usual.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I just failed my Math test and midterms are coming up. I'm looking at failing the quarter.

"Why don't you get a tutor?"

"Too expensive."

I rolled my eyes. You drive a BMW, and attend an exclusive private school. A tutor isn't going to make a dent in whatever fortune you have. "I'll tutor you. We can go work in the library."

"And work through lunch?"

"Do you want to pass or not?"

"Fine, but can we work out in the courtyard. It's outside the cafeteria so I don't at least starve."

Overdramatic much? "Sure, I'll meet you outside."

When Daniel told me he was failing Math, I assumed I would have to start from the beginning.

"Are you sure you need my help?" I asked looking over his shoulder. He completed the practice problems with ease. "Maybe it was just a bad day or something."

"Maybe you're just a good teacher," he said smiling.

"Alright, so do the next one."

He tapped his pencil in thought. "Do you like Damon?"

My eyes widened at the sudden question. "I don't think we need to discuss that."

"Just tell me! Do you really like him, or is it just for popularity?"

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