Breaking & Entering

Start from the beginning

They lead me to their vehicle
" You are going to ride with us later one of us will come get your car " Axel explains
" Okay "

As we rode my mind was swirling around with who was the culprit that broke into my apartment I have nothing that anyone would want
It seemed like we drove forever but I knew from the last time riding with them they like to drive in different directions in case someone is following them

My eyes closed and the lull of the engine was causing me to fall asleep

I was just about to sleep when the car stopped which I thought we were at a traffic light but we weren't the door opened and I'm unbuckled and lifted gently out of the car

Mmmm who eve this is smells like leather and Cyprus so good I cracked an eye to see Nathan
He adjusted me in his arms then continued to carry me into the house

" Go put her up in One the rooms and let her sleep she's had a rough afternoon" Mr Blackbourne said

I was taken up a set of stairs and down a hallway then placed on a bed it smelled just like Nathan so I was assuming it was his room

" Sleep Well Hermosa " He says as he kissed my forehead then pulled the covers up over me

Falling into a deep sleep surrounding by Nathan's scent

Waking up in a comfortable bed I mean it's like sleeping on a cloud  I really didn't want to move but my bladder had other ideas
So flipping the covers back I get up and go use the bathroom

Coming back into the bedroom I debate where to go back to sleep or go find them then my belly growled so I guess it's find them so I can Feed the beast

Stepping into the hallway I listen for their voices and soon hear them so went down the hallway to the top of the stairs
I can see the living room they are all in there sitting around either playing a video game , reading a paper , computers are out so are a couple of games
Making my way down the steps I was spotted by Luke who was coming into the living room from the Kitchen

" Well if it isn't Sleeping Beauty " He says as he pulls me into a hug
" I didn't sleep that long did I " I questioned him

" No Pumpkin you didn't,  did you sleep good"

" Yes I did that bed is comfortable I didn't want to get out but my belly growled "

He hooked his arm in mine and pulled me with him to the Kitchen

" Sit down I will feed you something small for now since dinner will be ready in about an hour "

" You don't have too Luke I can wait "

" Feed Her Luke Give her a cut up apple with some peanut butter" North yells from the living room

Luke rolls his eyes and then smiles turns grabs an apple gets the peanut butter
But before he opens it
" Your not allergic to peanuts are you "
" No the only thing I'm somewhat allergic to is Nylon Stitches they cause me to break out in a rash where the stitches are and it will itch like crazy "

" Hey Doc Just and FYI if you need to stitch Pumpkin up she's allergic to nylon " Luke hollers

I hear footsteps behind and then a warm hand on my shoulder I turn to see Sean

" So you are allergic to nylon , how bad " he asked

" It makes me itch really bad and I break out in a rash now I know a lot of things have nylon in them I can wear things with Nylon in them just for a day or two or I'll break out where ever it touched my skin "

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