Chapter 3

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Pokemon Master,

We have your fiancée, Miss Misty Waterflower. Please study the enclosed photograph. You will see that Miss Waterflower's condition is dire. We will continue to mistreat her until you surrender our Pokemon back to us. The sooner you agree, the better for her wellbeing. We will contact you shortly with details on a time and location for the trade. Take a good hard look at the photo, Pokemon Master. And, while you're at it, go ahead and call the police. They can't help you. Only you can save your fiancee's life.


An emotional earthquake tore throughout Ash Ketchum's body. He shuddered uncontrollably, his legs suddenly like wobbly stilts. His arms trembled as though frostbitten, and even his jaw ached from the vibrations. This terrible quake ripped through Ash until he buckled, kneeling upon his office floor. Ash's hands quivered until he nearly shred the paper within his fingers. It were as though he were physically experiencing a Rage attack.

Ash's face burned as a smoldering fury festered within his gut! This anger boiled until he felt that he could actually spit flames. Sweat dribbled down Ash's brow, the perspiration stung his eyes. but he lacked the will to even wipe it away.

His life had just been wrenched from him.

A whisper within Ash urged him to curl up and die. But as he reread the paper, Ash knew that he had to stand back up. He had to gather his wits. He had to fight. He had to fight for something far more important than any Pokemon battle: he had to fight for love.

Misty had only been missing for six hours, but Ash had immediately suspected that Team Rocket was to blame.

Ash steadied his hand long enough to get a good hard look at the photograph. This photo had accompanied the ransom letter. In the photo Misty was huddled upon a floor, and she looked as though she had been trampled by a crazed herd of Tauros. Misty's face was splattered with blood, her hair was a mangy knot of gore and her right eye was swollen shut.

Ash only wished that a crazed Tauros was to blame, at least a Pokemon would not have meant to harm her. But Misty's injuries were not caused accidentally by a Pokemon. They were caused purposely by a fellow human. A Rocket. A Rocket who harmed her simply because Ash loved her.

A stranger's hand was on Misty's face, this person was forcing her to look at the camera. An aftershock streaked through Ash's body . . . the emotional quake had not finished with him. The room spun dizzily and Ash felt as though he were caught within a whirlpool and sinking to his death.

The Rocket bastards had Misty! They were hurting her! How could this have happened? How did they get her? Did they abduct her after she had arrived in Cerulean City? Her sisters never saw her. Or did they do it before? Someplace between the restaurant parking lot and Cerulean? Misty's driver, Old Hal, was also missing. Did they kidnap him too? Or did they dispose of him and hijack the limousine? Ash buried his face in his hands. If they did hijack the limousine then that meant . . .

. . . I could have saved her.

Why the hell hadn't he checked the limo before Misty got in? How could he have been so careless? What if Misty did not survive this nightmare? What if the Rockets killed her?

This is my fault! Ash's thoughts lashed him mercilessly. If she dies it will be my damn fault!

Ash's office door clicked open. In walked his right hand: Lance the Dragon Master. Pikachu came scurrying in behind Lance. Ash's electric mouse had taken a liking to the Dragon Master, and the two regularly went out for lunch. Lance would share the ketchup from his burgers and Pikachu loved him for it. Lance was currently carrying a bag of take-out food for Ash, but he dropped it when he saw the Pokemon Master shaking upon the floor.

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