junhoe and his loves

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Junhoe was silently their light.  An angel sent from above. He was a big fluffy baby who loved to borrow his hyungs' clothes and crowd around his maknae, showering him in cherry flavored lip balm.

Junhoe was the epitome of what made it easier for them to breath. He acted like a brat for the public, like this big blundering idiot for publicity because— of course— YG says it's better. They need the sexy bad boy and Junhoe got picked.

Though it wasn't, Junhoe was the boy who couldn't sleep without hugging or cuddling someone or something. The boy who liked watching princess movies and drinking hot chocolate on a rainy day.

Hanbin was sad— off, not his usual upbeat demeanor. Everyone could tell. Jinhwan tried to be that caring mother and coddle him, but Hanbin only retreated with anger flaming. Yunhyeonh tried to care for Hanbin with food and conversation— he was met with a stone wall. Bobby, who was the absolute worse when it came to emotions that weren't near the happy spectrum, tried to joke with Hanbin and counter his sad mood with his happy one, that sent Hanbin out of the dorm. Donghyuk and Chanwoo ran after him like the cute like dongsaengs they were, but he cursed at them to stay put.

So, what did Junhoe do?

He felt useless and wanted to help his leader. He knew where he went and that was his studio. Hanbin always went there when he was upset. So, what would Hanbin want when he was upset? This new type of upset, well Junhoe would make himself a hot chocolate. In fact, that's what he did. Slaved away to make the best cups of hot chocolate he could with cute little hearts in the center.

Looking outside, Junhoe saw the rain and decided that wouldn't stop him. He just put lids on the two drinks and wrapped himself in rain gear. Leaving out unnoticed by the worried members. He called an Uber to pick him up that had him at the building in a moment's notice.

Though he was pushing against the rain and its heavy downpour, he needed to get to Hanbin Hyung. Binnie Hyung needed a friend and Junhoe wanted to be there for him.

Junhoe was sopping wet when he got to the door of Hanbin's little hole. Junhoe knocked on the door softly and waited. He was ignored for a good ten minutes, standing there with two cups of hot chocolate in flamboyant thermoses as he made a small puddle.

It was a little less than humiliating as the people witnessed him and regarded him with laughter and pity.

"B-Binnie Hyung— it's me," Junhoe squeaked and the door opened immediately.

"How long have y— Junhoe!" Hanbin yelled seeing Junhoe's condition. Immediately he was grabbing at Junhoe trying to strip him of his wet clothes, "You'll catch your death! What are you doing?"

"Binnie Hyung—" Junhoe raised the yellow thermos to Hanbin who stopped, "I... I tried to make you hot chocolate."

"You..." Hanbin opened it to see the little misshapen heart that sadly didn't survive the adventure, "made me hot chocolate, but why?" His voice was quiet and confused but utterly touched.

"Because you're sad and I make hot chocolate for myself when I'm sad too," Junhoe smiled soft and Hanbin sniffled a little as he fell into his seat and Junhoe followed sitting down. The rain's pitter-patter sounding in the room from the removed foam from the window.

"Junhoe, hot chocolate can't fix this sadness," Hanbin sighed and Junhoe bit his lip.

"I know this sadness. I have special pills for it," Junhoe grinned as Hanbin launched his head up to look at Junhoe.

"You have—"

"But hot chocolate still helps," Junhoe smiled and Hanbin began to just cry making Junhoe gasp. Did he say something wrong? Was that the wrong thing to say? "Hyung, I'm sorry! Please don't cry, I'm sorry."

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