Look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason

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"So you and Jake "talked" Devyn said over the phone. Jake had left the night before and I wouldn't say we did much talking. "I guess you could call it that" I chuckled. I heard Devyn sigh before saying "You realize the two of you need to talk this out? You can't just fuck a couple times and call things good"
"I know Dev. Trust me I know I was thinking of having him come over tomorrow so we could"
"You promise?"
"Yes I promise Devyn" I paused again "I'm gonna take a shower I'll talk to you later"
"Bye girly"  I smiled and hung up the phone. 
    After I got out of the shower I got a text from Brennen asking if I wanted to hang out. I was hesitant at first but finally gave in and said sure. I dried my hair and did my makeup while waiting for him to show up. 
     When he did I instantly regretted it when he walked into my apartment with his camera. "LILLY" He yelled "SAY HI TO THE CAMERA"
"Hi" I waved. He smiled widely then said "I'm taking you out to eat. You like Chinese?"  I nodded my head "You might not like this place very much" He laughed 
"It was rated 1 out of 5 stars and some of the reviews said they had roaches" 
 "Ew why Brennen!"
"Jesus christ" I mumbled to myself. 
    I followed Brennen out of my apartment and down to his car. We drove to the place and it seemed gross as hell"
"Brennen I really don't want to eat here"
"Too late now come on" He put his camera down and started filming on his phone so they wouldn't question it. 
    We got seated at a table and pretty soon ordered our food and drinks. I was still kind of reluctant about eating here and even more so when they brought the food out. Brennen started to record again and we started eating. He filmed a little bit before turning the camera off and beginning to act serious. "So what's up with you and Jake?" 
"Nothing at the moment" 
"So he wasn't over at your place the other day to 'talk'" 
I rolled my eyes "Well he was but we didn't really talk too much"
"Shut up" 
"Sorry" he mumbled. We talked a little bit more before we decided to leave. Brennen told me to go out to the car and record a little bit while he payed. I agreed and sat in the car talking to the camera. He came out a second later and jumped into the car. We filmed the outro for his video then drove around L.A for a little bit. 
"Thanks Bren, even though the food was kind of gross, I had fun" I smiled as we drove back to my apartment. "No problem Lilly. I didn't have anyone to film with today and we haven't hung out in awhile soo  I thought it would be cool" 
"It was nice to leave my apartment" I laughed as I unlocked my front door. 
"Bye Lilly"
"Bye Brennen see ya later" 

No Name (Jake Webber)Where stories live. Discover now