She know that

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I can already tell this finna be shit

"Lilliana this is a family friendly YouTube Channel"
"Fight me Brock". He moved the camera off of me and I snuggled into Jake even more. "You're so warm" I mumbled. I closed my eyes and loosely listened to what Colby was saying. "Haunted...... Mall" popped up once or twice. I let myself relax against Jake completely. He was so warm and I was so tired.

I was woken up by the car coming to a complete stop. I sat up fast and looked around. My heart started racing as i saw where we were. Like Colby said a creepy ass old mall. I felt shivers run down my spine as I looked at it. Jake beckoned me out of the car and handed me my backpack and my camera. I started filming and just panned around the outside.
"We're trying to find a way in" I muttered. In the end I decided not to film at all. I put my camera in my backpack and grabbed Jake's hand. I put my head on his shoulder and breathed out. Why had i agreed to this?

We finally found a way in and were looking through some little stores. We went in pairs so we could explore more and decided to meet back in the middle. Kat, Jake, and me were together, Devyn and Corey, and Sam and Colby. Kat and I were looking through some of the displays that were still up. We were in a little antique shop I didn't know the name of. I stepped back and saw a mirror. I looked into it and in the corner of my eye saw something move. Me being the little bitch I am screamed alerting Jake and kat. They ran out to me with flashlights and continued asking what happened. "I - something moved and scared me. I saw it in the mirror"
"Oh fuck this of course you saw it in the mirror. What the fuck next a doll is going to randomly show up?" He asked annoyed. All of the sudden something fell from up above. Unsurprisingly it was a doll.
"A DOLL of course it was a FUCKING DOLL" Kat said loudly.
"Let's get out of here I'm not tryna be like those white teens in horror movie that stick around. Fuck that shit" I ranted. The other two agreed and we walked out of the store not wanting to see what would happen next. We went into the middle of the mall and waited for the others. Devyn and Corey came back a couple minutes later and after that Colby and Sam did too. We recollected what had happened and found we all experienced similar things. I heard rustling behind me, so I turned around. Nothing was there, but for good measure i picked up a rock and threw it in that Direction. "get fucked" said. The others looked at me. I noticed Colby's eyes widened and he stuttered out "d-did anyone else here it hit the ground". Devyn was already close to tears and when all the sudden something crashed she started crying.
"Whatever the fuck is out there i swear to god better not come over here I'm not in the mood to deal with yo dumbass bullshit today". I heard the others laugh which made me smile. Jake started unzipping his backpack and pulled out a ouija board.
"No" I simply said.
"Yeah" he smiled. The others agreed so in the end i decided I would. The last time I did this either I was talking to my dead brother or something was pretending to be him. Shivers ran down my spine as I thought about it.

We did the little calling thing and waited. "Is anyone here?" Jake asked. The planchette slid easily to 'yes'
"I swear to God if anyone of you is doing this I will take you on right here. I'm not fucking around" . They all swore it wasn't them and we continued on.
"Are you trying to hurt us" I asked. It slid to no. "aww thank you"
"How old are you" Colby asked. "12"
"Awwe baby did you die here?"
"Lilly" Kat whisper-yelled "what?" I asked. "oh wait is it okay to ask you that?". It moved to yes "see Kat it's fine"
"Are you a girl or boy" Jake questioned. The planchette started moving to 'G-I-R-L'. "She's a girl" Jake added smartly. I rolled my eyes and asked again "did we scare you?"
"I'm sorry. We weren't trying to. May I ask how?"
"Lilly why are you being so nice it's a ghost"
"She had feelings before. I don't want to hurt them Colby. Plus I'm interested.
"It was loud. We were loud and that's what scared you?". It moved to yes.
"What's your name?"
"Anya?". It moved to yes again. "well im Lilly Anya. The boy with colored hair is Jake, Kat has blonde hair, Devyn is the brunette, Sam is the boy with Blonde hair, Colby is the one with really blue eyes, and Corey is the one sitting next to me"
"I can't believe you're befriending the ghost." Sam laughed.
"Yo her name's Anya and she's actually my best friend. Like Anya you should come to my apartment we can fucking party"
"Oh shit guys" i laughed. "Wait I'm for real down to share my apartment with you. Hey can I ask what you look like. Is there like a picture or sumn we could find?" The planchette started moving and ended up saying
"Is that your last name?" It moved to yes.
"I-i think we're going to go now okay? Bye Anya". It moved to 'goodbye' and we started putting the board away.

After that we decided that it was time to go home. We had enough footage and were tired. When we got outside Colby did his outro and we got back into the car. On the way home I suddenly remembered her last name. I pulled my phone out and started typing her name in. After I pressed 'search' i sat in shock.
'12 year old Anya Lane killed in am accident in Riverside mall'
"Holy shit". I clicked on the article and found out that basically a machine blew up and Anya was right next to it. Killing her instantly.
"Holy fuck". I handed Jake my phone and let him read the article. I read it out loud to the rest of them as we all just kinda sat there in shock.


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