Shout out to everyone makin' my beats

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third person -

Jake had been sitting on his bed staring up at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. He hadn't talked to anyone since the party which was two days ago. In fact he hadn't even came out of his room. He knew he had hurt Lilly and couldn't stand to face anyone. He was a broken. What was he going to do with Lilly? He thought to himself. He had no idea she was his world. What was going to happen after, he had no clue. He was eventually going to have to talk to her well, talk to someone, but when? 
    Jake finally pulled himself out of the bed and over to the bathroom. He barely had the energy to make it let alone start the water. When he did he undressed and got in. He was in there thinking until the water ran cold. He wanted to speak to her but could't allow himself to. Maybe later he'd send her a text but for now he had decided to leave her alone. 
    Jake found out that David had been talking to Lilly and comforting her. For that reason he slightly resented David. He wanted to be the one to comfort her in her time of need, but instead he was the one who had caused it. All his fault. He repeated this over and over again in his head until he snapped. He finally allowed the tears to flow out and let out sobs of agony. The one person he had truly loved was gone now. She was no longer his, no longer his to love. 
    He knew that even if they somehow got back together it would never be the same. Deep down he knew she loved him and he hoped she forgave him but he knew she wouldn't. It was then he started thinking about their fan-base. It was probably out already that they were broken up. He didn't want any of his fans giving hate to Lilly or any of hers hate to him. Neither of them deserved that. 

Colby walked up to Jake's room not knowing what to do. He didn't want to leave him alone and after just visiting Lilly he knew he needed solace. He knocked on his door earning no response "Hey man can I come in?" He asked. Colby heard a muffled "Yeah" and walked into the bedroom. He winced at the sight in front of him. Jake looked like a mess. He was paler than normal and had dark circles under his eyes showing he hadn't slept. His purple hair was a mess and fell onto his face. His normally happy demeanor was now replaced as a heavy depression filled the room. "Do you want to talk?"
"I fucked up, Colby. She fucking hates me now, doesn't she?" Jake cried to him. Colby was unsure how to answer "Jake she doesn't hate you" he paused not knowing if he should say this or not "She blames herself"
"She does?" He asked his voice cracking. Colby nodded silently and Jake leaned back crying more. "I can't talk to her" He whispered "I don't think I'd be able to look at her without feeling even shittier. I broke her heart"  Colby looked at him sadly "She loves you. You two will be able to get through this you guys need each other"

Hi yes I just got done writing this so excuse any mistakes. Also, would any of you read a Colby Brock fanfic if I wrote one? Let me know pleaaaase!! 

No Name (Jake Webber)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora