She then drops the phone on her desk and continues her nervous pacing but this time she gets a reply after only a minute or two. She practically leaped across in the air to read it.




'm safe Eunbi I promise, go to sleep

She takes a moment to figure out what to say. Well there's an entire list of things that she wants to say but now might not be the best time. And she would much speak with her in person now that she knows she can. 
After a moment, she decides to just say


goodnight i hope you're okay.

Eunbi wasn't going to try to continue to push Chaeyeon into talking if she didn't want to tonight. She clearly has a lot on her mind right now just like Eunbi does. Hell, she ran away and refuses to sleep in the same room as her. It runs deeper that just shock and she probably needs time alone to ponder over it.

When Eunbi wakes ul the following morning, there was a split moment where she thought that everything that happened last night before was all just a dream. But then her eyes instantly shot over to the one beside her and saw that it was just empty as it was last night and her heart sank. Is Chaeyeon just going to forget about this and ignore her from now on?

She needed to find her and the first place to look is in Miyawaki's dorm, which, is luckily she knows right where is it. 

Once she arrives in front of the door, Eunbi knocks on it and waits patiently for a moment before it opens and a very sleepy and dazed Sakura appears. Eunbi didn't really realize how early it still was and how people tend to sleep on sundays. But when Sakura's eyes finally adjust, she looks at Eunbi with incredible surprise considering they aren't on friend terms or anything. What a surprise to find practically a stranger knocking on your door at 6:45 in the morning.

"I'm sorry to wake you," Eunbi apologizes quickly, "but is Chaeyeon here?" She peeks over Sakura's shoulder to look for herself. 

"Uhm, I mean, she was," Sakura answers, her voice still drowsy. "But she's not here right now. I guess she must have left already. Why? Is something wrong?"

Eunbi's shoulder drop and she sighs deeply at her response.

"No," she shakes her head. "Nothing is wrong, I just need to talk to her about something. But thanks for the help though"

Sakura nods and gives her a friendly smile before closing the door.

okay, Eunbi thinks as turns herself around, if I were a Lee Chaeyeon, where would I go?

Eunbi takes a moment to ponder on all of the places that she could possibly be at on campus right now and her mind directly wanders over to the dance studio.
So that's the first place that she goes to look and what do you know? She was right.

The only person dancing right now is a girl wearing a white shorts and a black tank top. Her hair bouncing with every move she do and Eunbi recognize those long legs anywhere.
As soon as Chaeyeon stops dancing their eyes met, Chaeyeon tilts her head a bit in confusion.

Chaeyeon is looking at her expectantly, but Eunbi forgot what she wanted to say. There was so much to talk about but she couldn't conjure up the right words to properly express her feelings and her thoughts. Luckily Chaeyeon must have detected it because she speaks first.

"I'm not avoiding you," she says, completely out of breath. "I was just.....well, I mean, I was ignoring you last night, but I wasn't planning on continuing that today. I was planning on talking to you after this."

Eunbi nods her head. "I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and that you didn't feel uncomfortable or hate me or--"

"--No, no," Chaeyeon interrupts, mumbling slightly. "I don't hate you or anything at all. It's"

"Can we get back to the dorm so that we won't get interrupted?" Chaeyeon asks

Eunbi nods once again.

After Chaeyeon gathers up her stuffs, they make their way back to their room, walking side-by-side. Now the awkwardness and an uncomfortable silence falls over them. Oh god. Someone jus shoot her now. She can feel her cheeks getting warm and nothing was even happening. It was just weird walking beside her and not say a thing. They aren't at a place in their friendship where silences were welcome and they never felt uneasy. Well they are really close friends, but they also aren't friends. What a mess.

They finally made it into the door and Chaeyeon was the first one to reach it. She rummages in her bag for a moment while Eunbi stands off to the side patiently. But then she stops her movements amd shyly looks over at Eunbi, her face red with embarrassed. Eunbi doesn't even restain from rolling her eyes.

She forgot her key.

"Sorry" Chaeyeon mumbles timidly, usually Eunbi would bitch her out, but she couldn't bring herself tondo it now. So instead, she just takes her own key out of her pocket and unlocks the door for the both of them. 

Eunbi takes a seat on the edge of her bed and watches as Chaeyeon nervously bites her bottom lip, her arms folded across her chest as she starts to rock back and forth on her toes. She's really nervous about something. 

"Are you okay?" Eunbi questions, her eyebrows furrowed in slight concern. Then Eunbi suddenly starts to get really worried when she sees tears forming in Chaeyeon's eyes. She immediately stands up on her feet and walks towards Chaeyeon, her protective and caring side taking over.

"What's wrong?" She whispers gently. Her hands move up to rub Chaeyeon's arm comfortingly, but she decides against it, instead letting her arms dangles at her sides.

"I'm scared," Chaeyeon finally admits after what seemed like forever. Her voice cracked a little as her throat tightens and she struggles to control her crying. "Unnie..... I'm scared because I know you don't like me like I like you and I know you even hate me and you wish that I wasn't your roommate and I know that because I'm the friend you talk about everything."

Now the tears were really coming down Chaeyeon's face and Eunbi's heart was aching the more she saw it.

"And I know that I'm not a good person to be friends with, heck I'm not even a beautiful person to be with. And you can't stand me I know that. It's okay unnie we can just forget about this happened. I'm sorry I can't change room just endure me for a year more. I promise I will clean my space more" Chaeyeon adds in

"Chaeyeon, no, no, no, no," she shakes her head quickly

"Chaeyeon I don't hate you. I don't feel anything negative towards you. I mean, you weren't world's best roommate, but I could never hate you. Not after finding out that you're one who I've been talking to all these months on twitter"

Chaeyeon's bottom lip starts to tremble again and she uses the back of her hand to wipe the tears away.

At that point, Eunbi instinctively pulls Chaeyeon's body against hers in a tight and protective embrace. She felt tears burning in her eyes listening to Chaeyeon talk so poorly about herself.

Eunbi closes her eyes tightly and tries to whisper comforting words in her ear, struggling to listen to Chaeyeon's loud and heartbreaking cries. She has one hand rubbing small circles on Chaeyeon's shaking shoulders while the other is placed on the back of her head as she holds it against the crook of her neck, feeling the warm tears on her skin.

Eunbi's heart really goes out for Chaeyeon and she feels so fucking guilty. She wasted time and energy ignoring and talking badly about this girl while Chaeyeon was constantly dealing with this vast and personal issue inside of her.

Chaeyeon needs a true friend and she's willing to be one.


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