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Daniel POV

She's been giving me these please-take-me eyes all evening and it was driving me absolutely mad.

We were at a party of some guy from Uni and my girl was wearing the sexiest little black dress. Of course it had to be skin tight and barely reach the middle of her thighs, she was probably out to drive me crazy tonight. And it was working.

I had protested against the outfit when we left from her place, I didn't want to share an inch of my girl with any of the horny fuckers walking around here. To finish my mental break down she wore heels making her legs even more prominent and sexy as f*ck.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her for long, my Layla

I knew she was it for me when I saw her walking around campus 3 months ago. She transferred here and she made it very hard for me to get her but it was worth every second of my time.

She was the best sexiest little thing that ever happened to me. To be blunt she was hot as fuck and got a lot of attention from the male population, next to that she was great at sports and actually genuinely nice. She was a miracle on legs but most important she was finally mine after 2 hard months of chasing her whitout pause.

While I was standing in a corner looking at her dance like the creep I am, a girl walked up to me. I only noticed her when her hand was wraping around my bicep, I was totally drowned in looking at my girl until then.

"Hey stud, what are you doing here all by yourself?" she asked batting her eyes and squeezing my arm, her cheap fake nails digging into my flesh. Great another one of those desperate girls who didn't get the memo.

"I have a girlfriend" I told her bluntly. She smirked at me now stroking my arm, she didn't care one bit that I was taken. To be fair I didn't use to care either, I never even had girlfriends who lasted longer than a week. But now I have my Layla, I'm not even sure I could get junior Daniel up for any other girl anymore. She was all he wanted.

As I thought of her my eyes automatically searched for her again, returning to gaze at the place she was dancing before but she was gone.


But before I could get rid of this slutty drunk chick and look for my girl someone else already did it for me.

I saw her face for a milisecond before her lips were on mine, I roughly kissed her back welcoming her lips gratefully. 

Lord she tasted so good.

I heard a gasp next to me where the unknown girl was previously standing and her hand was released from my bicep.

Layla abruptly ended the kiss and stared daggers at the girl, I loved it that she was just as rediculously possessive of me as I was of her. The girl scrambled off with a frown on her face. While I tried to get my lips back on my angel.

But right when my lips were almost back on hers she turned around swaying her hips heading back to the dance area. She was gonna be the death of me.

She swayed her hips on the beat while totally getting absorbed into her own little bubble. Not paying attention to her surroundings or the amount of attention she got from her sexy dance moves. Especially from the male population, who oggled her like she was single.

 Well. She isn't. Little nasty fuckers.

Layla POV

I knew he was looking at me still, I loved how he looked at me it made me feel sexy and wanted. When I danced I danced for him, I forgot about everyone else and just focussed on how to entertain my man.

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