Chapter 44- The wedding

Start from the beginning

I wasn't sure if it was possible for my family to solve though.

They would have to had payed a lot of attention to me. I just didn't think they could. I'm not a particularly interesting person. No one ever really likes listening to me talk, or really like seeing or spending time with me.

If they had payed attention to what I said, and looked to their past, they would be able to solve it, I had called them fake trees before, and I knew Atlas had been in the Fae caves, I had told Forest about the fire wolves one night before bed, he had asked me what I was reading, but I doubt he was really listening, who would actually listen to me.

I placed the coffee on the table, careful not to spill any when I poured it. I busied myself around the kitchen, doing the washing up and wiping the surfaces. Any excuse to stay in the kitchen.

I wanted to hear what they were saying about my family.

My family. I missed them. I would do anything to protect them.

Including this.


I was running out of patience. At every shop they'd ask, "are you excited, it's your big day!" And at every shop all I wanted to do was run back to my mate and my family.

But I couldn't.

Instead I had to plaster a fake smile on my face, "Oh yes," I'd say, "I'm so excited," They'd look at me as if I was the luckiest person alive, marrying the love of my life.

If only they knew.

Simon was never happy. We went from shop to shop, trying to find the right wedding dress, but he wasn't happy with any of them.

If it was up to me, I'd have bought the first one I saw. I really didn't care. I didn't want to get married. But Simon said, "It has to be perfect." Every single dress I tried on he found something wrong with, "The skirt is too short." "The train is too long." "It's the wrong shade of white."

I mean come on, how can you have the wrong shade of white?

All the shop assistance kept swooning, they thought he was attractive, somehow, even more so since he was helping me find the perfect dress.


I tried on another dress, we were in the 5th shop and my patience was wearing thin, it couldn't even be called a thread anymore, more like a few atoms.

This dress was a shade of white, like all the other millions I tried on, it had a long, blue, silk sash, quite similar to all the others, and, like literally every other dress,the skirt went down to the floor in pleated waves.

So basically like every other dress I tried on.

But according to Simon it was "Perfect, perfect, oh that dress, the skirt, oh it's just perfect!" I rolled my eyes as I saw all the shop assistants swoon.


Tasha, as my maid of honour, another of Simon's choices. Smiled as well, "It's great, but what do you think about it?"

I saw Simon bristle beside her, I plastered a fake smile on my face and mustered up all the acting skills year 8 drama taught me, "Oh I love it, it's perfect. All the others were just lacking something. But this dress, it has that, that certain something."

There is a reason I dropped drama for year 9.

Tasha though, seemed to buy it, "Yes, yes, I agree entirely. It's perfect. I think I'm going to cry."

I sighed deeply and just wished the wedding day could come, all the preparations were annoying, especially, as I had to act all excited for them.


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