8- (Un)Invited Guests

Start from the beginning

I had become oddly aware of the four, satisfied ladies in my room with us, watching with huge smiles on their faces. And just for a show, Saheed had twirled me around the room, laughing gleefully. Too shocked to react, I had allowed him to move with me in his arms.

"Pepper dem!" he chanted over and over. "Their father!"

The ladies had laughed, almost falling over each other. And I had thanked them, and they had thanked us even more, mentioning the generous tip he had given them asides from the stipulated payment.

"Are you ready, Ola?"

"I think so," I had replied. "What's left are my sandals."

He'd even made provision for a new pair of gold, high-heeled sandals but I had declined because I had a pair available.

"Ready," I had said breathlessly after buckling them.

And he had smiled, a different kind of smile with mischief shining in his eyes. "Let's get this show started."

Sitting beside him in the car now, I am trying to understand how and when I had allowed this man to cajole me into agreeing to this. Was it his smile, or his voice? His confidence and excitement? Or all of them? Did I do this just to please him?

" Why are we going to this length, Saheed?"

"What length? We only accepted an invitation." He scoffs.

"Have you ever attended an ex-girlfriend's wedding?"

"Yes," he replies smoothly. "Quite a few."


They must have parted ways quite amicably then.

"Here we are."


I have been unaware of time flying while I had been deep in my thoughts. The car is parked on an open field, and some yards away is a massive building. There are people making their way towards the building, all dressed in finery.

"He picked a nice location. Bibi's Place is quite pricey and very comfortable," Saheed says.

Yes, Rexford had made a nice choice. Bibi's Place is located in the heart of Surulere. It houses an underground, soundproof hall which also, by some miracle of architecture, leads to a beautiful, breathtaking poolside from the huge oak backdoor. The parking lot is spacious and can take over two hundred cars. Celebrity weddings have taken place here, and most times they are strictly on invitation.

How nice of you, Rexford. I feel very honored.

"Wait," Saheed says before stepping out of the car and walking round to help me out.


"The show's already started, sweetheart."

Eyes are already on us. Guests who are arriving for the reception are giving us interested glances.

"Stop walking like there are nails in your soles. You look like you'll break," Saheed whispers to me.

I once again ask myself what on earth I was thinking, letting him convince me to give in to this. He is suddenly close, too close and his perfume envelops me.

"You're the reason I'm in this mess," I quip. "You and your penchant for causing trouble."

"Then, let me be the reason you'll enjoy it," Saheed tells me with a smirk before offering me his arm.

With a nervous smile as a reply, I hook my arm with his and allow him to lead me towards the entrance to the grand hall. It is an underground space preceded by a short flight of stairs.

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