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   Hiccup has always been an outcast. He's not strong or big or idiotic like the other vikings. He causes trouble without meaning to. He's the runt of the pack so to speak.

   The other vikings find him to be a nuisance. They steer clear of him. Except for the teens, who enjoy making his life as miserable as possible. They pick on him and insult him but don't dare to lay a hand on him. After all, Hiccup is the chief's son.

   The other teens are the perfect viking children. They fight, they argue, they enjoy smashing things, they're strong, they're muscular, and they're perfectly stupid.

   It was when Hiccup was hiding from these teens that the bright light came. It surprised Hiccup. His first thought was that it was a dragon. What else could have caused the brilliant light? Then be realized that it was something else. Whatm he didn't know. He reached out and discovered that it didn't have any substance. Or any feeling. It wasn't warm or cold. But it did practucalky bkjnd Hiccup as it enveloped the young viking. Hiccup covers his eyes with his arm and blinks the spots out of his eyes when the light recedes. 

   He looks around and sees thathe's in a large room. On one wall is a large cloth looking thing. On the wall opposite of the cloth are large rock platforms. All around the floor are comfortable looking chairs and the walls on the side have snacks. And all of Berk seems to have a made an appearance as well. Goodie.

   The bright light flashes again and when Hiccup's vision returns, he sees that the rock platforms are now occupied by dragons. The vikings (minus Hiccup) reach for their weapons only to find that they aren't there.

   "Calm your tits. In this room you aren't allowed to harm anyone or anything. I won't hesitate to cut a bitch. Now everyone grab a snack and sit down so I can explain what's happening," a girl says as she appears out of nowhere. The vikings begrudgingly follow instructions. Hiccup selects some orange triangke things and a bottle of bubbly brown stuff before sitting near the back.

   He settles and takes a good loom at the girl. She looked to be about thirteen years old and gas long brown hair. Her dark brown eyes sparkle with knowledge, like she knows something they don't. She wears skin tight blue cloth as pants and a black shirt that has the words 'sarcasm level: expert' on it. Once everyone is settled the girl claps her hsnds and grins.

   "Okay! Fiirst off, you guys can just call me Hailey. I more or less kidnapped you so that you would watch this movie. A movie is basically a series of moving pictures that have sound. This perticullar movie is about soneone who will shape your future. Everyone has to be nice or I'll set you on fire. There's an invisable barrier seperating you from the dragons and you can only pass threw it if you mean no harm," the girl says.

   The vikings frown. Where's the fun in that.

   "So, without further a due! This is the movie!" Hailey exclaims, poofing up to a bakcony as the cloth thimg lights up. A fair few vikings scream, causing Hiccup to roll his eyes as he stuffs more orange things in his face.


AN: Hey guys! This was just the intro so it was a but short but I'll get into the good stuff next chapter.

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