Wolves of Elementrix

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Description: has a thin fur coat, common colours for these wolves are red or orange, sometimes of they have a full red coat then their underbellies are orange and yellow that kind of look like flames, are most of the time very good looking wolves,...

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Description: has a thin fur coat, common colours for these wolves are red or orange, sometimes of they have a full red coat then their underbellies are orange and yellow that kind of look like flames, are most of the time very good looking wolves, have shorter tails and have Mohawk/manes on the back of their necks and usually have good looking tufts of fur that looks like hair on their heads, males have flame-like paw fluff on the backs of their paws/ legs

Abilities: can withstand very high temperatures of heat, can light their entire body's on fire, fire breath,  if they want to, they can look at something then that thing will get really hot and erupt in flames (but they can't make other wolves or animals or water and ice erupt in flames), can go for a long time without food or water,

Alpha: Ash| a large, middle aged blood red wolf with a red diamond shaped gem in his forehead, can control and manipulate fire because of the gem, as a thin coat of fur, has golden yellow eyes,

Heir: Blaze| a young red male wolf pup with an orangey yellow underbelly that looks kind of like flame's, has golden yellow eyes, is very good looking, has a tuft at the top of his head that kind of acts like hair,


Description: has a thick, waterproof fur coat, common colours for these wolves are multiple shades of  blue or sea green, sometimes has white markings, males often have lighter colors while females tend to be a bit darker shades,  has webbed scaly...

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Description: has a thick, waterproof fur coat, common colours for these wolves are multiple shades of blue or sea green, sometimes has white markings, males often have lighter colors while females tend to be a bit darker shades,  has webbed scaly paws kind of look like crocodile feet, has longer and thinner tails then most wolves ending with a folding tail that looks almost like a dolphins tail, has gills on the sides of their necks, females have wavier gills and the males have curved gills, females have wavy sparkling, glowing ridges starting on their forehead and ending at the tail which loves fish and small sea creatures, and males have poison spines starting from their foreheads and ending at their tails, has a shark-like fin on their backs,

Abilities: can breath in land and in water, if they slap their tails on the surface of any type of water then a huge wave will come, can make air bubbles for other types of wolves so that they could breath underwater also or can trap something in an air bubble underwater, can speak and understand sea creatures, can shoot a blast of water at their opponent on land,

Wolves of the Elements| #1 The Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now