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They came in the dead of night, the shadows flitting across the land. They made no sound, and were as quick as the wind. At every body they saw, they paused for a brief moment, listening, waiting.. But hearing nothing, they quickly moved on to the next.

There were many of them, all spread out and doing the same thing. Searching. Listening. Waiting..

Without a sound being uttered, they lifted their heads as one and sped across the land once more. They split into two groups and headed off in different directions.

Each group reached their destination at the same time, and at each destination, was a lead Shadow Creature staring solemnly at its find, its head bowed slightly in respect.

The creatures turned their heads to what this creature had found, and they all dipped their heads as well before three of the Shadows stepped forward from each group, bowing low to the earth.
White crystals glowed from their necks, shining brighter as they approached the corpses that laid before them as they crawled on their bellies, groveling low to the ground as they paid their respects to the wolves once called Alpha's of their respective elements. Once the groveling was done, they lifted themselves back into a bow and opened their jaws, "Hstec lacht mi-lechin. Tzotch lametch le-bani. Tu-ruk tep urchak paluh."

Their voices were solemn as they uttered the ancient words, and in response, the red and purple gems glowed brighter as they floated in the air above their former hosts. The energy barriers that protected the gems and their hosts fell, and the creatures that carried the white crystals rose from their positions of submission, removing the crystals from around their necks and carrying them gingerly between their teeth as they cautiously approached. The gems seemed to respond, pulsating slightly as they sensed the presence getting closer.

The creatures of shadow stopped a few paces away from the gems, and then began to dance around the bodies of the former Alpha's, their bodies twirling and bowing and jumping high into the air. An eerie music echoed throughout the battlefield, the notes sounding out of place among the silence and stillness all around.

The gems responded, and around the Sky Alpha, wind and electricity danced with the creatures. Around the Fire Alpha, flames leaped and twirled in circles around, responding to the music and dancing.

The music came to a stop, the last note ended on a high pitch and dragged on for a moment longer before it stopped, and with it, so did the dancing.

At last the three shadow creatures approached the gems, the white crystals still in their maws. The third of each group pulled out a small chest made out of the same white crystal as the ones on the other shadow creature's necks and opened it as the other two stepped on either side of the gem, making sure not to touch the bodies of the gems' former hosts. Together, one shadow creature touched the white crystal to the gem, while the other took its crystal and seemed to wave it underneath the gem. Once it was done, the gem attached itself to the crystal touching it, and the shadow creature that touched the crystal to the gem carefully carried it over to the shadow with the small crystal chest and laid it inside carefully, before the creature holding the chest shut the lid.

Once it was over, the other shadows that were with them rushed forward and quickly started digging large holes in the earth beside the former Alpha's. Once the holes were deep enough, they took the bodies of the Alpha's and carefully laid them in the pits before laying the earth over top of them. Once it was over, they gathered around together and bowed their heads solemnly once more. "May your spirits be at peace within the stars.. And may you find rest with the Great Spirit for all eternity.."

And just like that, after those words were uttered, they vanished into the night, just as quick and mysterious as they had come.


Wolves of the Elements| #1 The Lost HeirTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang