With new purpose, I stand up and dusted myself off. I start to climb off the boulder when I notice a brightly colored mountain flower across the stream. I remember picking ones just like it when I was younger. I'd gather myself a small bouquet and press them in a book so I'd always have something to remember my camping trips.

If a single flower was the only thing good to come out of this trip, I'll hold onto it. Jumping off the boulder I try to access a good way to cross the stream. It doesn't look deep but my father always taught me to never base anything off looks. I notice a set of steady looking rocks and decide to use them.

Cautiously stepping on the first stone, I'm relieved to find it sturdy. The stream is bigger than I thought, it's going to be tricky to cross. I slowly hop from rock to rock, trying not to focus on the water now reaching my ankles. When I get to the final boulder I take a deep breath realizing its spaced further than the rest of the rocks.

I swallow my nerves and jump. A branch cracks just beyond the tree line and I look over. The distraction becomes my downfall, I slip on the rock and plunge head first into the water. I bash my head on a rock on the way down effectively knocking me out cold before I'm enveloped by water.


Water comes spilling out of my mouth and I gasp for breath. My vision is blurry as I cough and wheeze. The blurriness slowly subsides and I realize there's a figure standing above me. My head throbs painfully and I can feel my heartbeat in my brain. I moan in pain my body feeling dangerously cold.

"Breathe, it's okay I've got you" a voice whispers reassuringly.

My vision adjusts and I come face to face with Logan. He looks as wet and freezing as me.

"What happened?" I rasp, still feeling breathless.

"You slipped and banged your head on a rock. You were under water a couple of seconds before I got to you" he explains, placing something soft under my head.

I try to move but it's too painful. I wince and gasp when my head throbs in protest.

"Try not to move. You hit yourself pretty hard. You've got a decent sized gash on your scalp" he warns, looking at my head.

"Thank you for saving me" I whisper, gazing up at him.

He nods in response, looking me over to make sure nothing is broken. I can see my own breath and realize how freezing it really is.

"We have to get back to camp. It's cold and we'll both be frozen solid if we stay here" I shiver.

"Do you think you can stand up?" Logan asks, his expression worried.

I nod before attempting to get up. He helps me stand up slowly, my head still brutally throbbing. Suddenly my legs give out and I collapse. Logan catches me before I hit the ground.

"Fuck" he curses, before lifting me into his arms.

My head rests on his shoulder and I'm beginning to feel sleepy. I close my eyes briefly before Logan shakes me awake.

"Don't close your eyes Liv. Keep them open" he instructs in panic.

He begins to carry me through the woods back to camp. I struggle to stay awake as my vision blurs. The gray sky above me dims and I hear him shout my name before I'm taken by darkness.


Again I wake up to traumatic head pain, but the air around me feels warm. I have a hard time opening my eyes at first my eyelids feel heavy. After a few moments I get them open enough to see that I'm inside. I'm relieved that Logan managed to get us back to camp.

"Liv you're awake" I hear Logan's voice.

I open my eyes a bit more to seep him sitting next to me. He places a hand on my forehead and holds it there. It feels nice despite the pain biting at my skull.

"How long was I out?" I ask groggily.

A solemn look crosses his face and I immediately begin to worry.

"About an hour. I tied to wake you up but you wouldn't. The only reason I knew you were still alive was your breathing. It was shallow but once I got you here, it picked up."

"Where is everyone?" I ask him, realizing it's just the two of us.

Now he looks really worried. I try to sit up but he shushes me.

"It started raining on the way back. It was impossible to find the trail. We must've walked for an hour because I didn't recognize anything around us. I found this cabin and brought you here. I guess it's someone's vacation spot because it was all closed up. But I got you in and lit a fire and covered you up" he explains.

Feeling a little bit clear, I sit up a bit and look around. The cabin is sparse with a couch and a few chairs. I hear a fire crackling behind me and the pounding of rain outside. Logan sits next to me on the floor wearing a pair of ill fitting sweats.

I look down and realize I'm not in the same clothes I was in. I'm now wearing a baggy tee shirt and what feels like sweatpants. But I feel warm for the most part which is all that matters.

Logan blushes, "Don't worry, I didn't look when I changed you."

"Where did you get these clothes?" I question confused.

"There were a few drawers of clothes in the bedroom. I'm guessing it's a couples cabin because there were men and womens clothes. I found what I thought could fit you" he says shyly.

I start to feel sleepy again and Logan can tell. He motions for me to lay down again.

"Try to get some more sleep. I'll watch you to make sure you don't stop breathing."

I take comfort in his words as I drift off to sleep again.

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