HEAVEN [Levi x Reader]

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Levi Ackerman wasn't a person, that you could call "funny", that wanted to simply have fun. Everyone, even those outside of Survey Corps, could easily sense his seriousness and sarcasm of his sentences.
In the case, why is it that he's sitting here, on — fortunately, previously cleaned — the floor, around his subordinates? Well, only one name can explain this.
What did she do this time? Under the excuse of an experiment she brought him into her room, full of people, after which she locked and barricaded the door.
Who could know that? Her character was as unexpected as you can imagine. It seems like today she had too much energy, getting all of the young soldier — and the Captain, of course — to join the game.
Which game?
The most youthful one, that existed.
Seven. Minutes. In. Heaven.
Teenagers reacted differently — Jean was delighted, Mikasa neutral (though she spared a look or two at Eren, who smiled strangely) and Armin had a nervous smile on his face.
The most unexpected reaction came from one little, [____haired] girl named [____], that, seeing their Captain being dragged into the room, turned her back to the rest of the group, while stubbornly denying to join the game.  Similarly reacted Levi, but he just crossed his arms in silence, looking murderously at General, who didn't mind it at all.
"Levi, [____], if you won't throw your items to the basket, you're going to go into the closet first." Brunette warned them.
When they didn't react — her words came true, as she looked at the rest of the group. They willingly caught — firstly [____] and then Ackerman — their arms, throwing them into the closet. While the girl resisted only for a while — come on, she was against the group of soldiers of her age — Captain joined her only after few minutes that he spend on fighting the others. He couldn't resist for too long, though, for he was tired after expedition and his subordinates weren't that weak when they joined their powers.
Soon after closet doors closed themselves, and they could hear a silent:
"Enjoy yourselves, my dears, seven minutes - starting!"
The first minutes were fully silent. The closet was really small, so (despite them both being really petite) they had only a little of space between them.
Cadet [____] played with her fingers because of her nervousness. It's not everyday that you are trapped in a little space. With the Captain that you're admiring so much. Even though at first she didn't like him — she thought of Ackerman as casual jerk and sadist — after some time she got used to him. Spending some time with him on escapades she noticed — even though he tries to hide it — that Levi cares about them, never letting them go for sure death.
Besides that, he's really intelligent and strong, but he knows that everyone makes mistakes, even his own self.
Another thing — Captain is somewhat handsome. Even though he's short he looks like a "grown-up", his dark hair and cobalt eyes are giving him that perfect, mysterious aura.
Before she could notice it — she fell in love with "Humanity's Strongest Soldier". But, in their world a love like that couldn't exist. In Survey Corps you can never know when someone dear to you can die. You can't bring yourself to be weak. Besides that, the age different is too big to came unnoticed. And there's a point about Captain treating his cadetes as children, so he could never love her, too.
"Heichō--- I mean, Levi Heishichō..." The girl's words interrupted the silence. Even though in the darkness it was hard to see that, a light blush came to her cheeks.
"Yes?" She heard his low, manly voice.
"...I'm sorry for this situation." She said quietly, feeling bad for bringing Captain into all of this.
"You don't need to, it's not your fault, am I right? Oh, but maybe my eyes are wrong and it was you who locked us in this closet?" These words, despite being sharp and quite cold, indicated that he isn't really that mad.
"Thank God..." She thought and sighed with relief.
"No, Heishichō, you're not wrong, of course. I just found it appropriate." said [____].
"...besides that, I'm not the best partner to be locked for seven minutes in a closet"
"No!" She screamed in protest, only after hearing the laughs from outside understanding what she did. When few second passed, she continued, this time more quietly.
"I-I mean, no, even if we don't play this game how we're supposed to, I'm glad that I'm here with Levi Heishichō"
Young girl couldn't know about this, but hearing those, unusually gentle and warm, words, heart of the older soldier skipped a beat. Trying to turn his attention away from it, he asked a question.
"'How we're supposed to'? It means...?"
"...m-means that---that..." She couldn't form a correct sentence, her blush getting deeper, she continued on stuttering. "...pair are usually k-kissing and stuf..."
Right after she said that, they heard Hanji informing them about the half minute that's left.
Then something unexpected happened. 

She felt the warmth of Captain's lips on her forehead, which made the place go really hot. As soon as he stepped back, the closet's doors opened and Ackerman left as if nothing has ever happened. The girl staggered a little when leaving, but — even though everyone asked questions — she didn't tell about anything that happened in the 'heaven'.
She definitely loved him.
Maybe they couldn't be together, maybe their future wasn't connected.
But the warmth on her forehead was real.
Just as her feelings.
And that was enough.

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