Chapter 15: Triplets and Serious Trouble

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Maya's POV

*2 Weeks Later*

Derek, Scott, Stiles, Allison, and I were in a.. 'meeting' as you might say. I was in my own world, since no one bothered to include me in the conversation. I had both of my hands on my ever growing belly. I almost fell asleep, until I felt something move under my hands. I look down at my stomach, and see a tiny lump on my stomach. OH MY GOD! One of them was kicking!! "DEREK!!" I shouted. I then remembered we weren't alone, and I just scared everyone out of they're wits.

"Maya? Babe, what's wrong?" Derek asks with immediate concern and worry written on his face. "They're kicking!" I say gleefully. His faces automatically relaxes, and he smiles. "Can.. Can I..?" Derek stutters. "Yeah, of course Derek!" I smile. I grab his hand and place it on the tiny bump on my swollen belly. He smiles from ear to ear. He leans in, and whispers, "I love you so much Maya, you know that? And I can't wait to see our pups. I know that when they get in trouble with they're mom, they'll come running to me, and giving me the puppy dog looks, and I'll take they're side. And you'll get mad at me. But then, you'll forgive me when I tease you with my hotness." Derek smirks. "I love you too. And whatever makes you sleep at night, hot stuff." I smile. Scott clears his throat. "You do know, I have werewolf hearing. And I don't want to hear Derek talk about his 'hotness'." Scott says quoting hotness with his fingers. I let out a laugh. Derek sent a glare at Scott. "What? I'm just saying." Scott says quickly holding his hands up. "Sure, Scott, sure.. Back away from the scary alpha." I joke. Scott glares at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. "So, do you want to feel one of you're niece or nephew kicking?" I ask Scott. He nods eagerly and smiles. "Then come over here! And hurry up, I have a doctors appointment." I smile. Scott stands up and sits on the arm of the couch next to me. I grab his hand and place it on the hard bump. "WHY IS IT SO HARD? And it feels weird." Scott says happily. "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!" Stiles shouts. I roll my eyes. Alison smacks him upside his head. "OWWW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Stiles cries. "For being an idiot." Alison says. "But he's always an idiot." Derek grins. I slap Derek on his rock hard chest. "What was that for?" he asks rubbing his chest. "For calling Stiles an idiot. Only I can." I smirk. Derek rolls his eyes. "So, when are you going to find out the sex of the triplets?" Alison asks with a big grin on her face. "Today." I smile. "Speaking of, it's time to go." Derek says checking his phone. "Ok, see you guys soon!" I giggle. I stand up, with the help of Derek. I waddle out the door, and head towards his Black Camero. "You do know you'll have to get a new car, right?" I smile opening the car door. "No Way!! We'll all fit! There's three seats in the back!" Derek protests while helping me inside and closing the door. He ran to the drivers seat, and quickly say down and closed the door. "Babe, I was kidding." I grin. "Good. I love this car." He says. "I know, I do to." I smirk.

*At the Doctors Office!!!*

"McCall, Maya." A nurse declares. Derek and I get up, and follow her. She takes us to the traditional room, and I sit on the bed thing. I roll my shirt up to reveal my growing stomach. Laying down, it reminded me of my swollen feet and how it felt laying down. With everything going on... And finding out Jackson is the Kanima... It just killed me. I loved Jackson, and he almost killed Derek, the pups, and I. I've been ignoring him this whole week. I don't want him near me, or my pups."Ms. McCall?" Someone asks. "Huh?" I say blankly. "I was asking you if you wanted to know the sex of the triplets before we started." "Oh. Yeah." I say. "Ok.... Oh! Here we are.. We can see you're beautiful triplets." Dr. Pepper smiles. "Ok.... I believe I know which is which. Would you like to know?" Dr.Pepper asks sweetly. GEEZ, I just said yeah!!! "Yes, we would love to know." Derek say interrupting my thoughts. "Great, it seems that we have a girl," She says pointing to one of my babies. "And this, is a boy." You could tell he was a boy. I guess he got that from Derek. "And, you have another girl here. So, you have two little girls, and a beautiful baby boy. They seem growing very nicely and seem very happy. Congratulations." Dr.Pepper grins and hands Derek a couple pictures and leaves. Derek looks at me, and I swear I could get lost in those brown eyes. I wipe the goop off my belly, and put my shirt back down. I stand up, and I'm embraced in a hug by Derek. He made sure not to barely touch my stomach. "We're having a boy and two girls." he whispers in my hair. "I know. I can't wait to see them." I say happily. "Let's go home, you need to rest." Derek instructs. I roll my eyes.

*Later at the house**

"Derek! Make me food!! Please!! The pups and I are hungry!" I beg. Derek and I were In my room lying next to each other. "Fine. But you're not getting any of my bacon!" Derek shouts and runs out of the room. I chuckle and roll my eyes. I wonder when Scott will be back? After Derek and I told him we were having two girls and a boy, he was ecstatic. But he said he had to go do something.. I wonder what.

Derek's POV

I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I took out everything I needed to, to make Maya food. I suddenly heard a thud, and something that would haunt me forever. Maya was screaming in straight out fear. Then I smelt it, Gerard was here. And he had Maya.

*Sorry for not updating!!! I start school soon and I'll update ASAP. Comment more!! I love to hear from u!!


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