Chapter 14: Hunters Loss and Love

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So I have 2,000+ reads!!!! Fist pump!!! :) thank you guys so much for reading this! :)

Derek's POV

My heart started to race. Maya's alive. I have to find her. "Scott. I'll look for her. Stay here." I demand. Scott nods and I sprint out of the Clinic. As I'm about to reach the woods, I hear them. Hunters. No. I just got Maya back, I can't lose her. I run into the woods, and howl for Maya. Then I heard, a beautiful howl- Maya. I run towards it, and I see a beautiful Luna wolf. She turns around, and growls, showing off her white canines. Her red Luna eyes staring at me. I quickly shift, because pregnant werewolves are very protective. As I stare back with red eyes, Maya comes closer to me. "Derek?" she mumble through her canines. "Yeah, come on. We have to go back to the clinic." I tell her softly. "What are you talking about? And I can't go, I don't want the Kanima finding me." She says softly shifting back to her human form. "Maya, the Kanima won't hurt you. It's gone. So come on, please. Before something-" I began. That's when I felt it. An arrow hit me. Right next to the heart. I fall to my knees. "DEREK!!!" Maya screams. "Maya... Run! Their hunters.. Go. Now, please. Save our pups."I choke out. "Well, Well, Well, Derek. Very nice to see you here." an old raspy voice says. Gerard. He's not alone. He's with 4 hunters.
"Maya, Go. Now." I say breathlessly. "No, Derek. I won't leave you!" She whisper yelled.
"Aww why look, Derek found himself his mate. And by the looks of it, they've already mated." Gerard evilly smiled,
"Looks like we hit the jackpot. I get to kill the Alpha, his Luna, and his pups. All in the same day. First, I'm going to kill your mate very slowly and make you watch her die, and then I'll kill you." Gerard and the hunters took a couple steps towards Maya and I, and Maya growled. "Don't come any closer, or I'll hurt you, bad." Maya sneers. Ignoring her, they grab they're weapons and aim them at her. "NO! Maya, please go. Go." I cough up blood. "No. Derek." Maya demanded. Just as the guy with the bow and arrow is about to shoot, Maya attacks all of them. She doesn't kill them, but enough to scare them. They all look for Gerard, but he's nowhere to be seen. "GO. NOW." Maya growls. They all run away. "Derek! Are you okay?!" She asks with worry written across her beautiful face. She takes the arrow out, and rips off a big piece of her shirt. She shifts back, and wraps it around my shoulder and wound. "Come on, Derek." she says softly and pulls me up, and supports me so I won't fall. We slowly made our way to the clinic.

Maya's POV

Derek looks horrible. He's pale, sweaty, and losing blood. This is NOT good. Oh, and did I mention I'm a werewolf? I'm not mad, Derek did it for a reason, I hope. Anyways, I walked into the clinic, and saw Scott. "Scott? You HAVE to help Derek! He... Got shot by an arrow.. And.." My voice drifted off. "DOC!!" Scott yells. The Doctor that Scott volunteers for ran in. He motioned me an Derek to a room. "Now, just lay him down right here. I'll see what I can do. But judging by the blood loss, and where he was shot at, he may not live." I started to burst into tears. Scott took Derek from me, and laid Derek on the steel table. Scott picked me up, and took me out of the room. "Scott, what if he doesn't make it?!" I sob. "He will. This is Derek we're talking about!" Scott slightly smiled. "Yeah, you're probably right." I mumble. I lay my head on Scott's shoulder, and drift off to sleep.

*Next Morning!*

Derek's POV

I woke up to a bright, white light staring back at me. Am I dead?! "No Derek you're not dead. You're in the vet clinic. You got shot with an arrow, an it almost hit you're heart. Maya saved you." Doc says seriously. Geez, can this guy read minds?! "No Derek, I can't, but that would be pretty cool if I could." Am I saying my thoughts aloud? "Yes." Doc replied. I blushed. I sat up, and went to stand up, but almost fell. "Thanks, Doc." I smiled. "You'll need this crutch to support you." Doc grins. I took it, and it helped a lot. "Where's Maya?" I asked. He nodded his head to the hallway. I hobbled into the hallway, and saw Maya and Scott sleeping, leaning against each other. Maya had her hands on her may I say, kinda big baby bump. "Maya.. Maya... Babe, wake up." I whisper. "Wha...?" She mumbles sleepily. She sees me, and immeadiatly her eyes brighten. "DEREK!!" she squeals. "You're okay!" she cries happily. "Yeah. Thanks to you." I whisper in her ear. "I love you so much, don't scare me like that. Ever. You scared me.. I thought..." she says a tear escaping her eye. I kissed her, then said. "I love you too, and I'm not going anywhere." I smile.


Update- Friday? I don't know. I'm REALLY BUSY THIS WEEK! Lol. Y did I put all caps? Awkward. -.-

Song of the Chapter: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars.

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