Chapter 10: SURPRISE!!!!

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Chapter 10: SURPRISE!!

Derek's POV

Out of nowhere, the doorbell rings, and two familiar faces come barging in. They instantly spot me, and stand in front of me.

"What are you doing here?!" I growl in my Alpha voice.

"Erica and I thought we should come an see you. We know for a fact that the Kanima is in fact either Jackson or Lydia or both." Isaac says In a small voice. "I already know that! I need to know exactly who! You guys have to find out, for everyone's safety." I state. They both nod. "Why are you at Scott's house anyway?" Erica asks raising an eyebrow. "You didn't tell them Derek?" Scott asks with a smirk. "Tell us what?!" Erica growls. "It doesn't matter, you and Isaac have to focus on the Kanima."

"Derek?" A voice comes from the stairs. It's the voice that I fell in love with. Maya's. Everyone turns to look at her. "Yeah?" I ask. "What's a Kanima? And Who's that girl? And why is Isaac here?" SHIT. I am so fucked. Maya comes to stand next to me. She was still in her tank top and shorts. "A Kanima, is a shape shifter, like Scott and I. But instead of a wolf, it turns into a deadly lizard person." Maya flashed a pearly white smile. "And this is Erica, she is in my pack, and Isaac is too." Maya nodded and turned to Erica and Isaac. "Hey Isaac," Maya says happily and hugs Isaac, but makes sure their stomachs don't touch. "Hey Maya," Isaac mimics her. They both laugh. She turns to Erica, and was about to say hi, but Erica was pissed. Like she could kill someone. "What the fuck, is that?!" She yells gesturing to Maya's small baby bump. Maya looked pissed, and Scott stood next to Maya. "That happens to be our pups." Maya says not backing down. "Whose!?" She screams. "Derek's! Is that a surprise?" Maya responded. "Are you sure? For all we know, you could be a slut, and whoring around with every guy you meet! And PLEASE, he probably thinks you were a one night stand that went WRONG." Erica shouts. Maya's face was filled with different expressions- mostly hurt and anger. Maya took a step towards Erica, and slapped her in the face. Erica almost fell, that's how hard Maya hit her. "How DARE you speak to Maya that way. She is my mate, and you must learn to respect her. And Maya has never been with another man, besides me. So apologize, NOW." I say in my alpha voice. Erica didn't want to apologize, not even a little. But, she did. "I'm.. Sorry Maya." Erica says. "I accept your apology." Maya says with a smile. I wrapped my arm around her, and quickly kissed her. "So how long are you? And how many pups?" Isaac asks with a smile. "A couple of weeks. And two." Maya grins. "Wow, that's amazing." Isaac smiles. "Wanna go sit down?" Maya asks. "I'm gonna go." Erica mumbles and leaves. "I have to go. My dad keeps texting me. Scott, can you take me home in Stiles' car?" Allison asks. Scott nods.

Maya's POV

And with that, only Isaac, Derek, and I were in the living room. "I'm gonna eat the rest of that bacon." Derek smiles and runs into the kitchen. Isaac and I laugh. "That boy sure loves his bacon." I laugh. "He sure does." Isaac says then looks at my stomach. Noticing, I ask, "Do you want to feel?" I ask. He nods. I grab his hand, and put it on my stomach. He immediately smiles. "I hear their heartbeat." "Yeah, Derek and Scott can too." "It's amazing, how something so tiny, has a very strong heartbeat." Isaac smiles. "I love you, Maya. You have always been there for me, when my dad abused me, and you've been my best friend. And I love you for that. You're the sister I never had." Isaac says and hugs me. "I love you too, Isaac. You're like my brother.. I wish I had." I smile. We both laugh. "Sorry to interrupt this little 'brother and sister' moment, but the doctor called, and he said, you have a doctors appointment next friday." Derek smiles.

*********Next week- Friday!!!!********

Maya's POV

Thank GOD that the week is over. After everyone found out I was pregnant, no one teased or made fun of me because they would have to face the wrath of: Jackson, Lydia, Allison, Scott, and.. Kinda Stiles. So, only stares, which was weird. ANYWAY, Derek and I were waiting in the doctor's office for my ultrasound. I was REALLY EXCITED! I couldn't wait. You could seriously see my baby bump. It was a decent size. I had my hand on my stomach, and Derek had one of his hands on mine. "You nervous?" Derek asks taking a quick look at me. "Not really, I'm just excited." I smile. "Me to." he replies. "Miss McCall?" a nurse calls. Derek and I stand up, and follow the nurse. She leads us to a room, same as before. She tells me to lay down, and lift my shirt up.
"Doctor Pepper should be with you soon." The nurse says and walks out of the room closing the door. "Why are you smiling?" Derek asks.
"Two reasons; one, we get to see our twins, and two, Doctor Pepper." I smile. "You're so immature." Derek says trying to hide a smile. "But you love me!" I say. "Yeah, I do." He chuckles and gives me a kiss. Someone knocks on the door, and we pull away. "Miss McCall?" Dr. Pepper asks. I nod.
"Nice to see you again. We're just going to look at your twins, and you'll get to go home." she grabs the bottle of gel, and squeezes a generous amount on my stomach.
"That's really cold." I say putting an emphasis on really. Derek chuckles. "Ok, same drill, just look at the screen, and you'll see your little babies." Derek and I nod, and look at the screen.
"Oh, well, I guess that's a surprise." Dr.Pepper mumbles.
"What is?" I ask concerned. "That you're having triplets." WHAT? Well, that's certainly a surprise.


My Romance With Derek Hale (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن