Without a care in the world, Ophelia flipped her hair as she let out a sigh of relief. With that, Ophelia stood up from the ground, "Well, that was fun," She commented with a smile on her face, "More than I've had in the past two years."

Both Hope and Valerie turned to look at each other, both of them smiling.

"Damn, those older kids were right," Kaleb began to speak up without a care in the world, "Badass and sexy as hell."

Ophelia smiled, playfully rolling her eyes at Kaleb's comment.


Both Valerie and Rafael were walking down the hallway together, talking about what had happened just an hour before, "So what was your dream?" Valerie asked Rafael curiously.

Rafael stayed silent, causing Valerie to give him a concerned look, "Come on, it can't be that bad," She told him and Rafael let out a sigh, deciding to finally speak up.

"I killed you in the same way Cassie died," Rafael informed her and Valerie eyes widened in shock, "What about you? What was your dream?"

Valerie tensed up, already regretting the decision to ask him about his dream, "It had to do with Josie," She admitted quietly.

"What about Josie?" Rafael asked her concerned.

"I was turning, she was trying to calm me down. She kept trying to get me to kiss her, but I refused." She explained to him.

"That's not bad," Rafael commented, not seeing that as being as bad as his.

"It's what the dream demon said that bothers me," She informed him, letting out a sigh, "When I said it wasn't real, it said that I wish it does," She paused, noticing an odd look on Rafael's face.

She stopped walking and stood in front of him to look him directly in the eye, "But I swear. I don't want that," She assured him, "I honestly don't. I like you, not Josie."

Rafael nodded his head in understanding, just before the two teenagers continued to walk.


After knocking on the door frame, Ophelia entered Alaric's office with the urn in her hand and a smile on her face. Alaric sat at his desk, his feet propped up and an ice pack pressed against his shoulder, "The hell happened to you?" She asked him, chuckling lightly.

"I tweaked my body driving it into a tree, and I think I have a concussion," Alaric informed her, causing Ophelia to smile and shake her head.

"Well, I hope you weren't planning on going to sleep anytime soon, Ric," She commented, placing the urn on Alaric's desk, "I've been up for three days and I need at least five hours of sleep before I can function correctly."

"You're part vampire, Ophelia," He reminded her, causing Ophelia to playfully roll her eyes since she knew he was right. He turned his head to look at the Urn, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, "Where did you end up hiding that? In my dream, you have a special hiding place in the wall."

"Actually, I couldn't fully decide on a new hiding place for the urn," Ophelia informed him, "So I put it in my underwear drawer."

A devilish look grew on Ophelia's face, causing Alaric to smile and shake his head as he chuckled, "Only you," He commented, causing Ophelia to smile, "Well, you did a great job today, Ophelia. You and the students did a kick-ass job while I fell asleep on the job."

"Cut yourself some slack, Ric," Ophelia told him with a sigh, "You drove halfway across the country in three days. You're human. I'm a tribrid and I still get tired," She paused, a serious look growing on her face, "We need a plan. We can't have the majority of the students living at the Lockwood Mansion."

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