"She's adorable."

"She was so small; her body was about half my arm length."

"How are you really doing?"

"Honestly?" Louis nodded.

"I hate it. The fact that this had to happen. That we had to go through losing our daughter and a possibility that we could lose our son. Why were we put through that? Nobody deserves that. Why me of all people? Why Bridget?"

"I don't know, Liam."

"She's lost so much and I don't fucking understand it. Is it because we were stupid and didn't use protection? Or because we're too young."

"I don't think it's either of that. You've got Tailor."

"I know we have him but why did we have to lose Maisie too. How am I gonna explain to Tailor when he's older that he had a twin sister that died?"

"You'll have to take it in steps, Liam. I'm not a dad so I don't know what to tell you."

"Fuck, I hate everything right now. I was happy that I was gonna be a dad and then this happens. My little girl is never gonna get the chance to grow up. Fuck." Liam fell back on the bed trying to push his anger down. That was all he felt right now and he was hurting inside. Liam didn't know if he was gonna be able to focus knowing Bridget and Tailor wasn't with him. Liam cared a hell of a lot about Durk as well and he needed to be with his family.

"Call Bridget, talk to her. Let her know you love her and that your always gonna be the dad that baby needs. I know you, Liam. You're more responsible than the rest of us. You'll be a good dad. You're a family man now." Louis gave Liam a half smile and walked out giving him a half smile. Liam's phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see a picture. Liam smiled. It was a picture of Durk holding Tailor as he fed him. Liam then opened his twitter and twitted the picture.


My incredibly amazing family. My boys even though one is my brother-in-law. I love my family and wouldn't change it for the world.

It didn't take long for his picture to get comments. Such like They are so cute and I'm jealous. Liam smiled seeing his fans finally giving nice comments to his family. But right now, he needed them by his side. Liam needed his family right now. Again, his phone buzzed.

From Bridget: Dr. Willard says I can fly out with Tailor and Durk. I'm getting on a plane right now.

To Bridget: I've been going crazy already without you and the boys.

From Bridget: <3


Bridget and the boys arrived just shortly after the concert around 9:00 at night. Liam stood with Paul and Preston as his foot tapped nervously as he waited to finally spot them. Then his eyes landed on Bridget and Durk walking towards them. Liam ran over to Bridget and after she sat the care seat down, Liam strangled her with a bear hug.

"We're here, Liam." Bridget said rubbing Liam's back. Durk pushed his way into the hug and Paul walked over to them.

"Can I ask, why did you bring the baby all the way out here?" Paul asked as he offered to carry Tailor in his car seat.

"Liam wasn't ready to leave and I didn't want to keep him from his fans so I knew we had to come out. I know with the baby, it'll be loud so we can get a hotel room when the boys sleep on the bus."

"So, you'd give up the drama free life to be here for him?"

"Yeah. I need him as much as he needs us." Liam slipped his hand into Bridget's hand as they walked out. The bus was here this time since they would be going somewhere else.

"Bridget!" Niall shrieked. Liam shushed him hinting at Tailor who was passed out in his car seat. Niall clamped his hand over his mouth as a joke. Bridget carried the car seat to the back and put the car seat on the bed so Tailor could go back to sleep. She turned around to see Liam standing behind her. A curtain had been put up and closed behind them.

"What are you doing?" Bridget asked feeling Liam's hands on her side.

"Kissing you." Liam answered and gently cupped her face and leaned down and kissed her. Bridget's hand squeezed his shirt into her first as her fingers dug into his side.

"I promised you that you'll always be the person I love and I will do anything for you. Even if it means, we have to drag the kids with us."

"I don't want them in the spotlight any more than you do. But I need my family."

"And your family will always be there for you." Liam rested his forehead against Bridget's and closed his eyes.

"We're going to the gym when we get to where we're going. Lou said she would watch the kids so you can come with."

"Course I'll go. I can get rid of this belly." Liam kissed her once again.


Later on that night, Liam sat on the couch wide awake thinking about everything. Bridget's head was in his lap and Louis was on the other side of the tour bus on the couch since he had given up his bunk so Durk had somewhere to sleep. Tailor's soft cries broke his thought and he gently moved Bridget's head and walked over to where Tailor was in his crib. Liam gently picked him up at sat on the chair holding Tailor in his hands in front of him supporting his head. Tailor, although tired, stared up in his dad's eyes.

"You know, you make me happier than anybody else aside from your mum." Liam said looking at Tailor. "I know we had you early, probably too early. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Everything is gonna be hard and you're gonna probably be in the spotlight more than a child your age should be. But you're always gonna know how much your dad loves you and know that no matter how early you were born, you will always have your mum and dad, and crazy uncles to be there for you." Liam's face lit up when Tailor smiled at him, the first smile ever.

Stress Comes Again (#2)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now