Chapter Six

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While making a grilled cheese which she had been craving, Bridget heard it on the TV and wasn't all that shocked.

"Rumors are floating around that Liam Payne's longtime girlfriend, Bridget Reed, is pregnant." The interviewer said on the TV. Bridget turned around and looked at the TV. She was wearing one of Liam's hoodies, a pair of PJ shorts, and her hair was in a messy bun. "Paparazzi reportedly stated 'our sources say that Liam is not as excited about this rumor and it may be false.'" Bridget shook her head and sat on the couch. She was home alone because Eleanor was at school. Bridget's phone rang and she bent over to look at it. Liam. She smiled and put the phone to her ear.

"What's going on, handsome?" Bridget answered the phone.

"Not much, I'm exhausted and I figured why not call my beautiful girl." Liam said on the other end. He was laying in his hotel room that he had with just him and Niall. Niall was asleep in the bed on the other side of the room. "What am I supposed to do about the rumors about the baby?"

"You might as well confirm it because everybody's already assuming it's true. We don't need to hide it."

"So you're okay with me confirming it? We have an interview tomorrow and I'm pretty sure they're gonna ask me about it."

"We have nothing to hide right? Yeah, we could've been more careful and realized what we were doing and realize that we needed protection. I'm not ashamed of it."

"Neither am I but management is worried what a baby would do for my reputation. You know they suggested putting the baby up for adoption."

"What did you say to them?"

"Told them there was no way in hell I was putting my baby up for adoption. I stormed out and refused to go to the interview we had. The boys had to cover up for me."

"Did you get in trouble?"

"No. Paul actually talked to me while the boys were in the interview. I told him that if I had to put my baby up for adoption, I'd quit the band and I was serious."

"Don't do that. If you quit the band, I feel horrible and responsible for it."

"Babe, I told you that you come first. And if being in the band means I couldn't be with you, then I'm out."

"I still have to tell your family about it."

"Don't bother, I already did because I figured you wouldn't want to tell anybody else about. My mum and father are actually happy about it. Nicola and Ruth said they were excited to be aunts."

"This is gonna be hard, Liam. Raising a child with your career."

"I know it's gonna be hard but we're gonna have to work through it. I've never believed in abortions and there is no way we're doing that. We'll be the best parents that we can be. We'll try. But right now, I need some sleep so I'll call you later when I wake up. Love you."

"Love you too." Bridget hung up the phone and went to get ready for work. Since her car wasn't working right, Bridget had to walk to work. But today was going to change everything. As she walked, she heard someone behind her.

"Well, well, well." That familiar voice said causing Bridget to stop in her tracks. She shot around to find the one person she thought she'd never have to see. Her ex-boyfriend, Connor. "You look beautiful as always."

"What do you want? Didn't the cops tell you to stay away from me?" Bridget asked as Connor walked up to her.

"Yeah but I remember that I have a problem with authority. We never got to finish what we started."

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