chapter 3

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POV: Maurice
I woke up in my chamber, I don't even remember going to sleep after my conversation with Scourge.

Wait, was it just a dream? So that means that my parents and Knuckles are still alive!

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed and ran to the door, only to fall. I groaned and rubbed my head. Now only I noticed that my ankle was chained to the wall. "You have to be kidding me." I mumbled as I got up.

"Morning Blue." Scourge said who was standing in the doorway.

"How did I get here? What am I doing here?" I asked as I backed away from him, still not trusting him.

"You aren't happy with being in your own room after days of being in a dungeon?" Scourge asked and leaned against the doorframe.

"Well not like this." I replied while glaring at him.

"Anyway, I have a little present for you." Scourge said as he showed me what he was holding, a green collar. "And you will wear it all day."

"Nope, I'm not wearing that." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, but it was no request. You will wear it whether you like it or not." Scourge said as he walked closer to me while I backed away from him till my back hit the wall. It was a struggle but Scourge managed to put the collar around my neck. I tried to rip it off as soon as his hands were off me but I couldn't. "Mmhh... Maybe I should have got you a red one, it matches more with your eyes."

"Your Highness, we have found the Royal Wizard. Just like you asked." One of the knights came in and bowed before his king.

"Good, bring her to the throne room. I will be there soon." Scourge said before sending the Knight away. "Now don't you dare to get this collar off or I will make you regret it." He treated and brought his face closer to mine while narrowing his eyes at me. "Got that?!"

"Y-Yes." I stuttered as I pushed myself more against the wall.

Why am I stuttering? It's not like I'm scared of him... right?

"Good." Scourge said and kneeled down before pulling my chain off. "Now start walking. You know where to go." He demanded. I slowly nodded and started walking to the throne room with Scourge walking behind me. I could feel his eyes scanning me but I chose to ignore it.

"You aren't gonna hurt me, right?" I asked as I glanced over my shoulder at him.

"Maybe, maybe not. If you obey then not." Scourge replied as he looked me in the eyes.

I will not obey you, bastard. Get the freaking hint!

"Ahhh!" Hearing a scream of pain made me turn my head back. I recognized the voice, Merlina. I saw Merlina kneeling on the floor, holding a hand against her cheek.

"Merlina! Are you okay?!" I asked as I ran up to her.

"Thank Chaos you're still alive." Merlina said and placed her other hand on my shoulder. I noticed the blood on her hand.

"You're bleeding! Does it hurt?!" I asked.

"And if you want to stay alive, you will have to restore his memory." Scourge said to her. Merlina looked at him, shocked. And I was being ignored.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Merlina asked. I could tell she was hiding something.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now return it before I will tell it myself and maybe give it some changes." Scourge growled, getting irritated.

"Merlina, what is he talking about?" I asked as I looked from Scourge to her.

"I'm so sorry Maurice. I had no choice. Your parents told me to do it to keep you safe. If I hadn't done it, who knows what would have happened to you. I'm sorry." Merlina said as she broke down crying.

"Y-You removed my memory?!" I said in shock. I couldn't believe it. She placed her hand on my forehead.

"It was to protect you." Merlina said as her hand glowed a little. I whimper from the sudden pain I felt. Soon everything turned black.

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