Chapter 5

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Nick's P.O.V

The scream sounded like she was in trouble. Oh my gosh, what have I done? I pounded on the door of where they were at.

"Clem, Rebecca, open the door, now! What's going on?" I was panicking. "Watch out." Said Luke.

He busted the door down. Rammed it twice. When I looked in there, I saw Clementine with a knife in her leg.

"Rebecca, what did you do?!??!!"

"Nick, it wasn't me! It must've been the knife that was in her sock, it must've come undone and stabbed her!"

"You really think I'm about to buy that? Seriously?! She's a little girl!!!!"

Clementine screamed louder.

I ran over there and picked her up.

Sarah, Carlos, Pete, and Alvin ran in the room.

"What.. What.. What happened?" asked Sarah.

"I don't. I don't know! Carlos, help. What do i do? Please! Say something!"

"First I'm gonna need you to calm down, bring her in my room and lay her on the bed."

I did that. She laid there screaming. It must've been in there really deep.

Clem's P.O.V

Nick laid me on the bed. The knife was really stuck in my leg. It hurt so bad, and I was bleeding everywhere. Carlos gave me some pain medication. I tried to tell them that Rebecca didn't stab me, but I started coughing up blood. I blacked out.

Nick's P.O.V.

She stopped moving. Everybody looked up. We immediately looked at Carlos.

"Is.. Is she..?"

"No. She just passed out. Which is good, she was squirming too much, which was getting the knife deeper into her leg. I'm gonna need some space, though."

~A Few Hours Later~

Carlos walked out with a bloody rag in his hand.

Everybody immediately stood up.

"The knife was completely through her leg. You could see it on both sides. I'm not sure how she is right now. She still hasn't woken up."

I heard a thump. Everybody went pale. Sarah looked like a ghost.

"Clem...?" Said Luke.

"Are you okay in there?" Asked Alvin

I heard a groan. I ran in there.

She was awake. And alive.

"You guys, it's okay. She's fine. She's fine."

"Are you okay, Clem?" Asked Luke.

"I.. I don't know.... I don't know."

"Clementine, a knife went completely through your leg. Care to explain?"

"Yeah, was it Rebecca, or was it a total freak accident?" I asked.

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